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Exciting Start to Our Second Semester in Pre K!

Greetings, dear parents!

How was your week? We hope you had a wonderful week. Our week was amazing and filled with learning, adventure, challenges and fun. Our children are almost all back from winter break, and the class has returned to a variety of engaging activities. We had a blast, and are delighted to have our students back!

Mitsuki's Goodbye Message

This week, we had a bittersweet farewell for one of our beloved students- Mitsuki! It was nice to reminisce on all our great memories together, but we're sad to see her go and will miss her a lot. Thank you Mitsuki for the wonderful times and our lovely goodbye gifts which we will all cherish for years to come. We wish Mitsuki and her family all the best in their new chapter!

Large Group

As usual, our large group is a blast- engaging, lively and filled with opportunities to socialize and bond! This week, we had a fantastic time. With almost everyone back from their holiday vacations, our learners happily shared their winter break experiences and listened attentively to their friends. It was a great opportunity for them to express their thoughts.

We also discussed the activities planned for the week and recapped what we learned over the past months. The children amazed us in their ability to remember and mention various previous topics.

Additionally, we learned new songs about the vowel letters, making it a wonderful week overall.


This week in literacy, we focused on letters and began learning about vowel letters. It’s been a great start to January as we explore how to read simple words via their sounds and practice pronunciation. Throughout the week, we continued to learn more about vowels through songs and worksheets.

The first activity involved finding and coloring the vowel letters among other letters, which helped us recognize these special letters. The second activity included tracing the vowel letters and matching them to corresponding pictures. Everyone was excited to learn about vowel letters, as this was a new topic for them, making it both engaging and fun.


This week in science, we conducted a sink and float experiment in different ways. First, we explored whether peeled and unpeeled oranges would float or sink. To begin the experiment, we filled a container with enough water to fully submerge the oranges. We placed the unpeeled orange in the water and observed what happened, and we did the same for the peeled orange as well.

The children observed which one sank and which one floated. This activity is perfect for kids and can lead to a discussion about why different materials float or sink.


This week in math, we worked on shape patterns. We began by discussing simple patterns, and then the class tried to make various shape patterns. While creating the patterns, the students were very excited for all of them but especially when making the heart shape, which is a class favorite.


This week's library session was lovely and serene. The children asked if we could have the library session outside in the grassy area with a mat. Since the weather was good, we set up outside. The children were incredibly focused and read different books that they chose, both with their friends and by themselves. At the end of the class, we had storytime as a whole class, which they also loved.


This week in the art room, our activities were related to our literacy sessions that focused on vowel letters. Since the class exhibited a strong interest in the vowels we covered,  interested in vowel letters, we incorporated that theme into our art project as well. The children made a caterpillar using the five special vowel letters  a, e, i, o, and u. They glued differently colored circles to create the caterpillar's body, and then wrote the vowel letters on each circle.

Finally, they added eyes, a mouth, and antennae to complete their creations. Integrating vowel letter learning into an art activity was a fun and engaging way for the students to explore this literacy topic. We are so proud of our class full of artists!

Next Week’s Schedule:

Large group

Songs: -Good morning songs

Circle time calendar.


Small group

Monday: - Science

Tuesday: - Math

Thursday: - Literacy

Our Special

Monday: - Ethiopian center

Tuesday:- Library

 Wednesday: - Art



  • Every Tuesday is our library day, so we will be sending a book that your child picked from our library, which will be returned after a week on library day.

  • Every Wednesday is our art day so please send your child with art-appropriate clothing.



Thank you for your time!




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