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Experimentation and Excitement in Pre K!

Greetings dear parents!

How was your week? We hope you had a fantastic one. Here in the Pre-K class, we had so much fun and were busy with a myriad of engaging activities. Please enjoy the highlights of the week!

Large group

Our large group time is always a class favorite! The children thoroughly enjoy getting an opportunity to sit together with their friends, chat about the things that interest them, sing songs, read books and tell the days and the month. These are all precious, meaningful moments for our little ones. Furthermore, large group time helps children develop their social skills- taking turns, listening and expressing their feelings.


This week's literacy sessions were focused on letter formation, similarly to last week. However, this time we focused on a new letter- L! In one of the sessions, we printed a paper that showed the letter formation of L, had space to color it in as well as a portion for tracing. The children also got a chance to find pictures from a selection that started with the letter L.

Then, at the end, they colored in all the spaces on their page, which our class full of artists were so excited about. Letter formation and tracing activities help the children to practice how to write the letters in the proper way and to recognize the letters. These activities also help with their fine motor skills.


This week's math activity was challenging and lively- we focused on finding out what comes after each number! Understanding the concepts of before and after is a foundational math skill that helps Pre-K class grasp the idea of sequences and order. The after number comes right after a given number in the counting sequence. For example, the number after 5 is 6. These concepts help children build their understanding of numbers and patterns, which are crucial for early math success.


This week's science was a sensory and cerebral delight, as the class explored magnetic and non-magnetic things. Science can be magical for young children! Teaching the Pre-K class the difference between magnetic and non-magnetic materials is an exciting way to spark curiosity about the world around their environment.

To start off, we put a mix of small objects like paper clips, coins, spoons, buttons, wooden blocks, and plastic toys on the table. Then, we let children test each item with a magnet to see if they stick, and sort them into two piles- magnetic and non-magnetic. This activity introduces children to basic properties of materials and encourages them to observe and classify objects. We are so proud of their engagement and curiosity!


This week in our art class, we focused on collaging with nature. In the Pre-K class, the children really love to explore both nature and art. First, we went outside to explore and collect items from nature. Then, we returned to the art room and the children got to work, excitedly collaging everything they collected onto paper. While they were collaging, they were very excited and truly loved their artwork.

Cooperative game

This week's cooperative game was a delightful blend of physicality and creativity! The game was called "Drawing on Our Friends' Backs". In this activity, we all sat in a circle and used our friends' backs as a canvas to draw, creating a chain of drawings. Then we played classical music, and they drew whatever they wanted. While they were doing this, they were very excited. This shows that doing something different is fun.


Next Week’s Schedule:

Large group

Songs: Good morning songs

Circle time calendar.


Small group

Monday: Science

Tuesday: Math

Thursday: Literacy

Our Special

Monday: Ethiopian center

Tuesday: Library

Wednesday: Art



Every Tuesday is our library day, so we will be sending a book that your child picked from our library, which will be returned after a week on library day.

Every Wednesday is our art day so please send your child with art-appropriate clothing.



Thank you for your time!




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