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Farewell First Semester!

Dear Parents,

We are ending our first Semester with so many exciting and fun activities’ that helped and still helping our children in developing their academic skills, emotions, physical growth and so many learning areas. We are happy to see each child’s different improvement, which you all have the chance to look at when we send first semester reports soon!

Math: Math prepares children with problem solving skills that help them investigate real life situations and arrive at logical solutions based on the given data. Math teaches many significant skills that we use every single day without even realizing it. Children exposed to math with the material they play with as it is colorful, countable, and figurative, which helps them to identify color, count, different shape and size, sorting, pattern and many more math concepts.

Language: Language helps children to express their feelings, desires, and questions to the world around them. It supports child’s ability to communicate, express and understand feeling. Most of our students are really developing their language skills and add more vocabulary through the semester.

Social Relation: Positive social and emotional development is important. These developments influence a child’s Self – confidence, empathy, the ability to develop meaningful and lasting friendship partnership, sense of importance and value to those around them. Our children are improving their social relation with teachers and friends.

Science; Offers children an understanding of the world around them. When they participate in science activates, it nurtures their curiosity. We introduce science activities in many ways; the children developed different skills by touching, feeling, testing, and seeing.

Art: it is very important for children especially during their early development. Our daily schedule shows that art activates and develop the children brain capacity in early age! Art engages children’s sense in open-ended play and supports the development of cognitive, social-emotional, and multisensory skills!

Movement and Yoga; Movement really helps children in developing their gross motor skills, like; Moving the whole body, following simple music direction, keeping their balance, running, jumping, climbing up and slide down. Yoga also teaches discipline, focus, memory, and self-expression. Both teacher and the children support, growing bodies, which will help them to reduce their chance of injury!

We are happy to see all the children’s improvement within this short time and we cannot wait to see some of them in the winter camp and the others after the break.

Have a lovely Christmas break and a happy new year to all!

Please enjoy the blog with the pictures!



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