Four Bunnies in Preschool
November 28th,2020
Dear Parents,
Welcome to our first blog! Where we share our children’s experiences throughout the start of our school days.
Short introduction on the purpose of this blog to parents, who have recently joined our school
As continuous positive communication between parents and teachers is crucial and improves child’s social - emotional and cognitive development, we have created this blog to display the overall activities that our children have been doing weekly. We are confident that it helps parents to know the level where their child is standing. We request to guide your child to do small activities at home too.
Our group
We are team preschool, aged 3 - 4 years old. We are adventurers who love to explore, examine and cherish new discoveries. Currently we have four beautiful curious bunnies and below are their names:
1. Aylin Shevchenko
2. Eliab Belachew
3. Limsa Stanyslas
4. Semai Daniel
Our Class
Our class session is divided into two large and small groups.
Large group: is where they explore with books, listen to stories, sing and dance to music, participate in small board activities and also share their experiences or thoughts both with their peers as well as teachers.
Small group: is a session where they work through specific activities scheduled on each specific day of the week.
This week’s large group
Since this week’s theme has been ‘All about me’, our team was having harmonious opportunity of sharing about themselves and their family. They have been talking about themselves, starting from their names, names of their family members and their favorites including foods and colors.
Aylin presented her family members using toy bears and stick the tips of her two hands assuming as the roof of a house and said, ”My family!” They also dressed one of their pretend family member. Limsa dressed her pretend brother and said, ”Juju”.
This week’s small group

Corporate game: We had a free play considering their will to share things among each other, while calling each others names. Limsa once said,”Eliab!” stretching her arms towards, wanting him to pass her the stuffed animal. Seconds later, Aylin poked Limsa and pointed at the toy expecting her to hand it. After words Aylin pass it to Semai and Semai hugged the toy compassionately humming,”mmmmm”.

Literacy: One of our group member is interested in letters, he usually explores books of letters. Thus we chose to start with letter recognition and discussed
on the characteristics of letter ‘A’ appropriate to their age level.
Displaying Ali Alligator with an open mouth, children mimic the teacher pronouncing the alphabet name of letter ‘A’. Then they had turns to sort out 3D shape of letter ‘A’ from a bowl of different 3D letters.

Library: our group explored through different books of their choices. Semai was pointing at the words, while listening to the story.
Special Day

Art: Regarding this week’s theme ‘All about me’, our group painted all their family members who live in their houses. We are in progress of preparing ‘All about me’ book and accomplished the two pages of it such as: the family page as well as favorite foods.
Science: Inspired by the moves of the children when singing the song ‘head and shoulders, knees and toes’: we chose to discuss on our five sense organs.
After playing Simon says, we explored the use of our five senses through edible and non-edible things. When the teacher asked, “How do you know the slide is here?” Eliab replied,” I see it.” When Aylin offered a flower and asked,” which body part do we use to smell it? Do we use our tongue? “ She shouted, ”No!!! nose!” pointing at her nose. Semai covered her face to the same question too.

Math: Since pattern is the basic math knowledge, we decided to have fun on finding patterns on each others’ clothes. We have also made a pattern of mummy and baby bears and made a pattern of colors with beads too.
Next weeks schedule
Monday: Cooperative game|Music
Tuesday: Literacy
Wednesday: Library
Thursday: Science
Friday: Math
Special day: Art
Every Friday we have Art so, please dress your child for messy and fun day.
Have a Nice Weekend!!