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Fourteenth Week of Kindergarten: Curiosity, Creativity, and Community!

Dear family, we hope you had a wonderful week! We're excited to share highlights from our week of learning and play. We had a wonderful time exploring new concepts and engaging in group activities. Enjoy our weekly recap!


Large Group

Our large group session is the time of day where we learn the most, both about each other and the world around us. This week's large group was fun and engaging. Our children had the chance to explore and experience the daily board messages on their own, taking turns. In addition to our sight words, this week's topic was "3D Shapes". We introduced the three-dimensional shapes by first discussing how they differ from the two-dimensional polygons. We then referred to them as "flat" and "fat" shapes. This week has shown that our children have grown academically, emotionally, and physically. They are being very responsible, supportive, and curious about how things are done both in the classroom and outside of it.



This week in literacy, we focused on phonemic awareness with the "CVC roller stick" activity. Each child had two roller sticks and took turns rolling the letters to form CVC words. They then wrote down the words they spelled out and had a chance to read them aloud to the class. The second literacy activity was a reading session. We printed simple sentences using the sight words the children have been learning during large group time, as well as words they can read by sounding out. Many of the children surprised us with how well and quickly they were able to read the sentences. This will help prepare them for reading more complex words with multiple syllables.


“This is big” Tang Tang



We started our math class this week with "Measurement pt.2". As you all remember, we did a height measurement activity using a measuring tape a couple of weeks ago. We measured ourselves and some school equipment, and recorded the results. This week, we measured our weight using a weight scale. We also created a measurement chart on the whiteboard, where the students wrote down their names, ages, and re-measured their heights. They then recorded their weights in the designated section. Our children were very engaged, comparing their sizes and heights. These activities introduced them to centimeters (cm) and kilograms (kg). We also did a comparison worksheet for our next math session, with more advanced two-digit comparisons. This ensured that our children understood the concepts of "less than" and "more than". Our math classes this week focused on building a strong foundation in measurement, with hands-on activities and engaging exercises that reinforced our children's understanding of units and comparison.


“Who’s the tallest then?” Adelene

“I am the strongest” Umar

“Mickey and me are the same” Hekima

“I think Eliyab is the tallest, let’s measure him” Leayene


This week in science, our classes got to do a really fun and hands-on experiment - turning normal eggs into bouncy balls! For the first part of the experiment, we placed raw eggs in cups filled with vinegar. Our children made predictions about what they thought would happen to the eggs over the next couple of days. Some thought the eggs would dissolve, while others thought they might change color or texture. When we checked on the eggs 48 hours later, we were all amazed to see that the eggshells had completely disappeared! The eggs were now soft and squishy. We carefully removed the eggs from the vinegar and washed off any remaining shell pieces. Then came the best part - we got to try bouncing the eggs! The students were shocked that these fragile-looking eggs were now able to bounce a few inches off the table. We recalled our earlier predictions and discussed how the vinegar had reacted with the calcium in the eggshells, softening them into this bouncy, rubbery texture. Our children had so much fun gently tossing the eggs up and down, seeing how high they could bounce. It was a great hands-on way to learn about chemical reactions and changes in material properties. Science experiments like this really bring the curriculum to life in an engaging and memorable way.


This week, our art session was both fun and team-spirited as we explored the 7 continents and 5 oceans. We wanted to create artwork that connects with our knowledge and symbolizes our unity on this planet we call home. Our art teacher, Asnake, drew a map of the 7 continents on a large sheet of white chart paper, which we displayed on one of the school bulletin boards. We divided the students into two groups. While the first group colored the continents green and the oceans blue, the other group created macaroni jewelry, making necklaces and bracelets. This approach kept both groups engaged and productive, allowing them to enjoy both art activities by switching roles. The final map turned out beautifully, resembling an actual world map. We’re proud to have it displayed in our art corner, where it serves as a reminder of our collaborative effort and creativity.


“I am from America” Junior


This week, our library class began with an outdoor reading session on mats by the infant play area. The children returned last week's books and eagerly selected new ones. Then we read “Detective Ted”, engaging our children in discussions and predictions, creating a lively atmosphere in the fresh air. In the second library class that took place in the library class, Umar took the lead, confidently reading a story to his classmates. His expressive reading captivated the group, prompting laughter and applause. The session ended with a joyful group hug, celebrating their love for reading and the power of peer-led learning.


“Can everyone see the picture?” -Umar

Cooperative Game

This week, our kindergarten class engaged in a heartwarming cooperative game called the "Friendship Chain." This activity not only encouraged teamwork but also reinforced the importance of kindness and friendship among our students. We began by discussing what friendship means and how we can support one another. Each child received colorful card paper and was invited to write or draw a positive message or compliment about a classmate. Once everyone had drawn or written their messages, we gathered in a circle. Our children took turns linking their cards together to form a beautiful chain. Watching the chain grow as they worked together was truly inspiring! The vibrant colors of the cards reflected the joy and positivity in our classroom. After completing the Friendship Chain, we displayed it proudly in our classroom as a visual reminder of the supportive community we are building. Our children loved seeing their messages and shared stories about their friendships.

Next week’s schedule:  


Monday – Math, Literacy


Tuesday – Literacy, Science, gym


Wednesday - Library, Math


Thursday - Science


Friday - Cooperative game






Monday- Art


Tuesday - Gym


Thursday - Ethiopian center/ clay


Friday - Football



Reminders and notes:


• Next Wednesday your child will be coming home with a library folder and a story book in it. Make sure to read the story together and return the folder book back the other Wednesday so your child can get a new book.

• Make sure that your child is wearing suitable clothes on Monday as we have art class and activities get messy sometimes.



We hope you enjoyed reading about our week! Stay tuned for more upcoming blogs.




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