Great Week in Early Preschool and Preschool
We had a great week filled with lots of fun in our early preschool and preschool. We hope yours was great as well!!
Large group
During our large group time this week, we discussed the importance of using two polite words: "Please" and "Thank you". We explained to the students that it is important to ask for what they want politely and to express gratitude when given something. The students participated well in this discussion. We then sang our Good Morning song and other songs before returning to our message board. We took attendance, talked about the days of the week, discussed the weather, and read a book called "The Polite Cat".
Small group
During our music session, we had a lot of fun singing the favorite songs of our students. Some of the songs we sang included "Five Little Monkeys," "Baby Shark," and "Freeze Song." We all enjoyed participating in the songs and movements, and it was a great time for everyone.
During our math session, we focused on exploring AA, BB patterns with the help of wooden blocks and soft blocks. In this activity, we arranged the sequence of wooden blocks and soft blocks by alternating between two wooden blocks and two pieces of soft blocks. This exercise encouraged the children to think about what comes next in the pattern.
During our library session, we read a book called "Things I Like". The book discusses the various activities that the characters enjoy, including painting, playing with toys, taking a bath, and playing with friends. Additionally, we asked our students what they enjoy doing, and based on their responses, they selected books to take home. It was a wonderful and enjoyable experience for all involved!
During our science session this week, we discussed different types of transportation. Specifically, we explored land transportation, including cars, motorcycles, vans, trains, bicycles, and buses. We had a great time exploring a variety of different cars, trains, and engines.
" I come from my house to school by van" Nina
"I can ride a bike" Shishani
"Train is the biggest of all" Yamen
During our art session, we worked on our canvases. We divided a certain area of our canvases with plaster and then discussed the different types of fish that live in the ocean. We asked the children what the fish eat, and they responded with "seaweed". We also asked them about the color of seaweed, to which they all replied "green". Following our discussion, we used green paint and brushes to create our seaweed. Everyone took turns working on their canvas, and it was a great time.
In our literacy class, we practiced tracing straight and zigzag lines using pencils and paper. Our students exceeded our expectations, and we had a great time.
Gymnastic: In today's session we started up by warming our bodies through jumping, jogging and running. Then we worked on making our muscles stronger by stretching them.
Our plan for next week is as follows.
Monday - Music /Cooperative Game
Tuesday - Math
Wednesday - Science
Thursday - Literacy
Friday - Gymnastics
Our Specials
Tuesday - Library
Wednesday - Art
Friday -Ethiopia Center / Maker space
Every Tuesday is our library day, so please make sure to return the library folder.
Please send your child sunscreen and a hat as it gets sunny after snack time.
Every Wednesday, we have Art so please send your children with art-appropriate clothing.
Have a nice weekend!!