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Happy Ethiopian New Year!!

Dear Parents,

Welcome to another week filled with lots of fun and such a nice celebration of our Holiday, Ethiopian New Year!! Hope you all had a nice celebration with your families and beloved ones.

What have we been upto this week?

we had crafts, Art, Literacy, and Science

Crafts: as it was Ethiopian New Years Eve, what a great way of getting creative. we made post cards for our beloved ones with 'Adey Abeba' we also sang the traditional song which is sang during this holiday season, 'Abebayehush' where the kids repeated the chorus ' Lemlem' and moving their bodies in different ways.

Art: we started off by drawing ourselves on the message board, discussed how many eyes, ears, mouth nose, hands, and legs we have. we then tried to portray one another and draw whomever we want but specifically, who was in the classroom.

Leul " This is Levine"

Mitsuki " I draw Nina"

Literacy: "What are our body parts" We made a book titled "All About Me"

we prepared plain papers, and some body part pieces and the we started off by sticking the parts, the book also has pages that talks about our favorite animal, favorite color, and favorite fruits. It was a good way of observing each Childs interest. They also got to generally know themselves well. They were able to share their names, ages, the color they like, the fruit they like and those they prefer not to eat. They were so descriptive and explanatory. they also learned some new words and were able to add to their vocabularies

Science: "This is my eye!" Said Nina while we were exploring with our body part flash cards. They have identified some of the parts but some were confused with shoulder and neck, hand and fingers, and legs and feet. We discussed the different responsibility of each body parts.

Our Next Week Plan

Monday - Cooperative Game (Pass the ball)

Tuesday - Maths (Exploring with Shapes)

Wednesday - Art (Tracing Numbers )

Thursday - Literacy (Matching Letters)

Friday - Science (Goop)


Tuesday- Library

Friday - Gymnastics


  • The weather is changing so do not forget to send a raincoat, boot and hat and sunscreen for your child.

  • On our art days try to send your child with an art appropriate clothing( Every Wednesday.)

  • Do not forget to return Library Folders on your Childs Library Day (Every Tuesdays.)



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