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Happy  week in our Early preschool and pre school


We had an amazing  week filled with lots of fun in our early preschool and preschool. We hope yours was fun as well!!

Large Group:

This week, we explored different fruits in our large group, and we had a great time knowing our children's favorite fruits. Then we sang our Good morning song and  different songs and then we went back to our message where we took attendance,  Days of the week ,We also talked about the weather.

Small Group:


In our music session we had a lot of fun. We sang different songs such as " little bunny”, “miss poly had a doll", " The floor is lava" and then we explored different musical instruments. We had a great time.

Cooperative game: Our cooperative game this week was one of the kids’ favorite games which is the “Mr. Wolf”. In this game the kids take turns to be the wolf while holding a clock and changing the time until their friends reach them and at that point it will be the lunch time for the wolf!


In our science session we discussed about transportation. Specifically, the land and water transportation. After that we mixed up all the flash cards together and we stick plaster on the board. Then, the children took turns and post the flashcards that show water transportation on one side and land transportation on the other side. This activity is very helpful in increasing children's identification skills.


During our library session, was wonderful. We read various books with our friends and chose one book to take home.


 In our literacy session we had zoo phonics. We talked about the name, sounds and actions of the letters. Then they took their favorite letter and showed us the name, the action and their sounds. We had a nice time.

Gymnastic:- Today we started our session with running and jumping on one and two feet. Our game for this week helped us to stretch all of our body muscles which was moving one ball from one hula hoop to the other.



          Our plan for next week is as follows

Monday - Music /Cooperative Game

Tuesday - Math

Wednesday - Science

Thursday - Literacy

Friday - Gymnastics

                                 Our Specials

Tuesday - Library

Wednesday - Art

Friday -Ethiopia center / Maker space



° Every Tuesday is our library day, please make sure to return the library folder.

° Please send your child with a sunscreen and hat as it gets sunny after snack time.

°Every Wednesday, we have Art so please send your children with art appropriate clothing.

            Have a nice weekend!!




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