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Infant and Toddlers

Greeting Dear parents,

We had an exciting two weeks, exploring within our compound and having a lot of fun with our lovely children, the children were very engaged with the activity that we explored. We also welcomed a new friend Nina.

What we did for large group

As usual we had circle time, in our circle time we sing the children’s different favorite song like ‘Good morning, Baby shark, The wheels on the bus, Miss polly had a dolly song” and we did the attendance list, to know who is here and who is not here and, we read the children’s favorite book called “Brown bear, Brown bear, what do you see”.

What we did for small group

Math; for our math activity we sort colors, the color that we were exploring with was Green, Blue, Yellow and Red and the material that we have colorful blocks and colorful paper, then we put the colorful blocks on the mat and we let the children to explore with them when they were exploring they were making one color house. For example green house and yellow house, after we start sorting, we put colorful paper on the mat then the children pick the color blocks and put it on the same color paper, the children were very engaged with the activity.

Yoga; our other activities were doing different animal yoga poses, for example frogs, cows, cats, dogs, butterfly and elephant pose, the children were very excited to follow the direction and make those animal sounds.

Science; for our science activity we were exploring our compound. the material that we have was magnifying glass and plate, first we talk about what we have in our compound then we give them magnifying glass for each of them and we go outside, then we try to look our compound by using the magnifying glass when they see anything, we talk about that for example when they see flower, we touched it and smell it, so the children were very interested.

Art; for our art class we did individual painting art work were everybody choose their favorite color of paint and paper then we gave each one of them a brush after that they used the paint and they did a good job exchanging paint and sharing with their friends, they were very engaged and interested to see the results that they finally did.

Next week plan

Monday- Movement

Tuesday – Math

Wednesday – Science

Thursday – Language

Friday – Art

Our specials

Thursday – Library

Friday - Art


· Every Friday we have art so please send your children with art appropriate clothing.

· we would recommend you send a hat and sunscreen for your child, as it gets sunny after snack.

· Every Thursday is our library day, so we will be sending the children with books from our library, which will be changed every week on Thursday.



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