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Infant and Toddlers This Week

Greeting Dear Parents,

Thank you for coming to celebrate family day, spending your time, and having fun with us. We hope you had an amazing time.

This week in large group

Our large group was fun and lovely we sang hello, baby shark, Miss Poli had a Dolly and the wheels on the bus song. After that we worked on our attendance, and we counted how many friends are here and how many friends are not. We also read the story 'Oh Dear'.


For this activity, we used pictures of eight different fruits and vegetables. We started this activity by displaying the pictures of the fruits and vegetables and talked about what we see. After that, we put the pictures back on the floor and the kids started to match the pictures with the toy fruits and vegetable.


We started our gymnastic class by warming up and doing different moves like stretching and jogging then. They were swinging on the bar using their arms this activity helps to control their balance, to improve flexibility of their body and to make their body strong. The kids loved it, and they want to do it more and more.


In our art class we did mixing different colors on a paper. The kids chose the color of the paper and paint they wanted to use. They were happy to do the activity and they didn't want to stop!


For math class we had counting activity. We prepared different materials like blocks, balls, crayons, and bears then we discussed what we are going to do, how we are going to count with the different materials, and we asked them which material they want. After that the kids started to explore. This activity also helps them to work on their fine motor skill.


For this science session we had an exploration activity where the kids got the chance to melt and break ice to find different kinds of animals inside it.

"I find dolphin"

"I find bear"

The children loved the feeling of the ice in their hand " it's very cold" said one of them.

Plans for Next Week

Monday: - Music and movement

Tuesday: - Literacy

Wednesday: - Gymnastics

Thursday: - Science

Friday: - Maths


  • Every Wednesday is Art Day, so please send your child with an art appropriate clothing.

  • Every Thursday is Library Day, so we will be sending a book that your child picked from our library, which will be returned after a week on library day

Thank you!



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