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Infants and Toddlers

Dear parents,

We had a fun and exciting two weeks; the children were busy learning fun ways to share, building their social relation with others and so many movements on the grass area/ playground!

Our Large group

As always, we started our large group by singing the good morning song and other enjoyable songs like ‘Funny face', ‘Hands go up and down’ and we read a book called ‘Where is baby’s belly button’.

This week for small group

Music: music always brings children joy and happiness. We use different musical instruments like, Shakers Drum, Scarf, Xylophone and Flute.

They all came up with different sounds by tapping with the stick, shaking and listening to the different sounds they make, and we all enjoyed it.

Language, we did our Zoo-Phonics with the flashcards and a song. We showed them each letter and the sound they make with the body movement. The first week went well as the children enjoyed the movement the animals made and the song.

The second week activity on Zoo-Phonics was super fun as the children recognized our famous letters again and we will keep doing the Zoo- phonics for the next few weeks too!

Science; we made Telephones with the children by using different materials, like; Cups, yarn and soap boxes and we made toy phones. They actually used the phone to call their friends, parents, and their teachers.

Children are good observers. They listen and copy the new language throughout the conversation and use new vocabulary like, Hello, hi, where are you, friend, grandmother/ father, baby, sister and brothers!

Story time; learning to read should be an enjoyable process to keep children motivated to improve. We collect some of the children’s favorite books, one of the books is called “About me” animal sound, while reading the books, and we encourage the children to look at the pictures, imitate the animals' sound and share their own ideas about what the stories could be about.

Next week plan

Monday – Cooperative game (Passing the water)

Tuesday – Math (Cheerio fun)

Wednesday – Science (Feeling texture)

Thursday – Language (Animals)

Friday – Art

Our specials

Thursday – Library

Friday - Art


Every Friday we have art so please send your children with art appropriate clothing.

We would recommend you send a hat and sunscreen for your child, as it gets sunny after snack.

Every Thursday is our library day, so we will be sending the children with books from our library, which will be changed every week on Thursday.

Have a wonderful weekend

The Infants and Toddlers team!



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