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Infants and Toddlers!

Dear parents,

We would like to say welcome back from spring break to all our children and families! We welcomed two new friends to our group Noam and Alen! We like to warmly welcome our new friends Noam and Allen to our group.

Saturday, April 02,2022 we will be having our first family day of this year

What we did this week

Large group

As usual we had circle time in our classroom and we talked about our morning, what they did, what they had for breakfast and what they saw on the road. After that we made a big circle and greeted everyone with the Hello song. The children choose their favorite songs like, baby shark, the wheels on the bus, also our finger play was one two buckle my shoe, at the end we read a book called, (oh dear).

Our small group

Music; for our music class we tried to make different sounds, the material that we used were; can, corks, sand, bottle leads. The children were exploring with all the materials by touching, feeling the texture, and naming the object. After that they put the materials inside the can and when they finished, they just shake it up and down, listening to the sounds and sharing it with their friends too. The activity was fun, and it gives them a chance to explore different sounds!

Math; our math activity was exploring with shapes, the shapes that we used were Circle, Triangle, and Square. First, we let the children explore with those shapes, after exploring we gave them boxes, so they sort out the different shapes. The children were very interested and tried to solve the problem by themselves; if they tried one time and didn’t work well, they just went to the next box and tried to do it again and again!

Science, In the last month of our plan we have been talking about animals. Where they live, what they eat and what we can get from the animals! So based on that our plan for this week's activity was milking a cow. The materials we used were cardboard to make a cow figure, a glove for cow breast and stick-on cow figure, then we introduce to them how we are going to milk the cow and we just let them do it. The children were very eager to participate in the activity and very gentle with the cow!

We will milk the cow in the coming week as well.

Next Week

Monday – Music

Tuesday - Math

Wednesday – Science

Thursday – Language

Friday- Art

Our specials

Thursday – Library

Friday - Art


· Every Friday we have Art so please send your children with art appropriate clothing.

· Every Thursday is our Library Day, so we will be sending the children with books from our library, which will be changed every week on Thursday.

Have a nice week!



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