Infants and Toddlers
Greeting dear parents,
We had a wonderful two-weeks with our children; here is what we have been working on,
This week we did a lot of exploring, and we celebrated one of our friend’s birthday, the children were very excited to sing Happy Birthday song and enjoyed a yummy cake and watermelon.
Our large group
For our circle time we sang our famous ‘Good Morning’ song. The children chose favorite songs, which were ‘The wheels on the bus’ and ‘baby shark’. For our storytime the children chose their favorite book and we read it together, the title of the book was ‘at the park‘.
Our small group time
Cooperative game; one of our activities was an obstacle Course. We use a tent, chair and mat. First, we sit in a circle, and we show the children where they are going to start and what they are going to follow. The children were very excited to start after listening to the instructions, first they threw the tent then they rolled on the mat. After that we put the chair in zigzag and they follow the chair. The children were very engaged, and they were following the direction, it was very helpful for their gross motor skill and most of all super fun.
Math: for our math activity we were counting numbers. The number that we were counting was one up to seven. The materials used were box, ball, paper pleat, blocks. First, we read a number book and we sang a number song and then we let the children explore with the materials. When they were exploring, we were talking about the numbers, how many blocks they have and how many balls were put in the box after all the children were very excited to count.
Art: for our art class we talk about recycled materials because our art session was related to our old pillowcases, the children were very interested to talk about what is on the old pillowcases, on it was all their favorite zoo animals which they like to sit on, read to or look at in their free choices time while in class. In one of our classes the children wash the cases and put them by the sun then the other time the children made a collage with the same pillowcases on the canvas. The children were very engaged with the activity, enjoyed putting their loved animals all together in the canvas they chose as their new home.
Next Week
Monday – Music
Tuesday - Math
Wednesday – Science
Thursday – Language
Friday- Art
Our specials
Thursday – Library
Friday - Art
· Every Friday we have art so please send your children with Art appropriate clothing.
· We would recommend you send a hat and sunscreen for your child, as it gets sunny after snack.
· Every Thursday is our Library Day, so we will be sending the children with books from our library, which will be changed every week on Thursday.
Have a nice weekend and have a lovely Ethiopian Easter Holiday!
