Infants and Toddlers group
Dear parents,
We had fun and exciting two weeks; the children were learning fun ways to share, building their social relation with others and so many movements in the playground.
Our Large group
As always, we started our large group by singing the good morning song and the other enjoyable songs like ‘Ali baba’, ‘Five little spackled frog’ and our finger play ‘One Two and 1,2, 3,4,5 once I catch a fish alive’ and we read a book called ‘Oh Dear’ and ’Opposite’.
Our small group
For movement, we did Cooperative game; the game is called Duck duck goose and Mr Fox.
We put some mat on the grass and make big circle the one by one everyone participate on the game. For Mr. Fox we chose one child to be Fox and the rest of us was asking him what time it is?
The children were excited to run all over the playground but at the same time they want the Fox to catch them and get the chance to be Mr Fox,
After the long run around one of our children got a chance been Mr. Fox and when he says lunch time, they all run and get their bag from the cubby to eat snack and we were done with our game.
For Math, we did the opposite activity; it is focused only with few different sizes, Big, small, And Tall, short. For those activities we collected varieties of different size materials in the big box, and we showed them, like, Can, Nesting box, blocks, ball, caps, and cars. Then we let the children to explore with all materials.
We are so happy to see that the children were very interested to play with all materials; our discussion questions were
· Where is the small can?
· Can you please put the small can in to the big can?
· Can you please roll the big ball to your friend?
· Is this book Taller than the other book?
At the end, we label the different box by size, and we let them to sort the materials. The children did a great work and learned the different size, by understanding the concept. They identify, the size Big, Small, Short, and Tall by matching and naming it!
We will keep on doing the same activity, but we will add; dry and wet, full and empty, fast and slow, clean and dirty!
Story time; learning to read should be an enjoyable process to keep children motivated to improve. We collect some of the children’s favourite books one of the books called Clifford’s animal sound, while reading the books, we encourage the children to look at the pictures, imitate the animals sound and share their own ideas about what the stories could be about.
For science, we explore with ice cubes, we put bear, beads, pompom inside the water and we make ice cube. We introduce the activities for children, and we asked them how we could get the toys out from the ice?
It was fun to see how they tried to take out the toy from the ice cube. Some of the children were throwing on the floor; the other was banging two Cubs, and some of them were using rocks and see what’s inside.
At the end thanks to the sun, the entire ice cubes melted and we had a good time playing with all the materials.
Next week plan
Monday _ Game (how can we make the ball fall)
Tuesday _ Math (Opposite)
Wednesday _ Story
Thursday _ Language (Dressing Up)
Friday_ Science (Gardening)
Our specials
Thursday – Library
Friday - Art

· As it is getting sunnier please send the children hut and sunscreen
· On our art day try to send the children with art friendly clothing
· Please Don’t forget to return the library folder every Thursday
Have a wonderful weekend!
From Infants and Toddlers team!