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Infants and Toddlers Group

Dear Parents,

Today marks the end of other great week at Little Einsteins. We enjoyed socializing with each other and welcoming new friends. The dry weather is getting stronger, so we kept ourselves hydrated by Drinking a lot of water.

Our Large group

This week our large group has mostly emphasized on, helping the new children settle to the school environment. We had fun calling out our friend’s name and choosing a pattern for our good morning song. We also sang the children favorite songs and finger play.

We read a book called ‘Little Lions Shares’ and ‘Clifford’.

Our small group

For movement; we have played cooperative game, bowling, we lined the bottles inside the classroom and we let the children knock it down using a ball. The first round was very fun, It got even more interesting when the children started to problem solve ways to knock down the bottles, by giving it a little push with heir hand and kicking with their legs.

On the second round, we let them sit in the ground then we ask them to roll or throw the ball, it was very interesting to see how the children got engaged very well.

For Math: our exploration for Math was about opposite as we planed. We added short and long yarns, dry and wet towels, dirty (by soaking it on a mud) and clean tissue, and full and empty bottles.

We put the materials in the box and let the children to explore with it. In the middle we help the children to name each materials and asked them what they have in their hands so they can develop their Vocabularies. They were very interested in the idea of the different sizes and opposite word.

For science: this week we started gardening. As always, we first explore about gardening by reading a book, on what a seed is, how a plant grows, where we plat a seed and how to take care of it. After our research we went to the garden area to introduce them the different seeds we have, Beetroot, carrots, lettuce, and spinach. Then we let the children plant the seeds they wanted.

They are learning to express themselves through gardening, they demonstrate their communication skills while they were planting the seeds and cover the soil with their hands and shovels.

Next week plan

Monday _ Miusic

Tuesday _ Math (Making number with play dough)

Wednesday _ Story

Thursday _ Language (Hunting letters)

Friday_ Science (Water for gardening)

Our specials

Thursday – Library

Friday - Art


  • As it is getting sunnier please send the children hut and sunscreen

  • on our art day try to send the children with art friendly clothing

  • Please Don't forget to return the library folder every Thursday

Have a wonderful weekend!

From Infants and Toddlers team!



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