KG and Pre-k Weekly News and Note.
Greeting Parents,
Our dinosaur is fully hatched now! We did a little celebration with Victors “Dinosaur dance”. The children also used the tires they painted as flowerpots and grow flowers in, it was really fun and we hope you had a fun week too.
Large group this week
We had the chance to meet most of you and your family through photos you send for the family tree and the children were very happy to introduce us to them. We enjoyed the books that Victor, Finnegan , Zeno, and Alia brought this week. Finnagen and Alia wanted their books to stay for next week, so they can read them for their friends by themselves. We introduced them to Punctuation marks this week in our morningboard questions. We explored with Question Mark, Period or Full Stop, and Exclamation Mark.
Small group this week
Worksheet Monday: the pre-k’s explored letter tracing and sounding them out while doing so. The KG’s had a worksheet on reading and writing, it included, sight words, punctuation marks, and CVC words.
Blindfold Tuesday: this week's cooperative games were a bit tricky as Emily puts it! We call the game “Find that silly basket!” Victor and Yamlak come up with the name! It was tricky because we used blindfolds and it was silly because the silly basket was nowhere to be found! The game is all about putting a ball in a basket but need to be a very good listener because their friends who are sitting are the one who is giving them the direction of the basket. Something to try at home!
Music Wednesday: this week we talked about the family members on the photos they brought and celebrated the rest of the time with the music! We had a different type of music, dancing song for running around, sitting down songs, an instrumental song to relax, instruction songs and so many more. The energy our groups had could have changed our music day to a big concert; they did not want to stop for a bit!
Shapes Thursday: last week we explored shapes with the pre-k groups while the KG’s worked with subtraction. The KG’s had a chance to explore with shapes during the afternoon and they were extremely interested in Cubes. Based on that curiosity, we made our Thursday session about shapes for both groups. We continued last week's session on 2Ds and revised it for both groups, we talked about the difference between 2D and 3D shapes, and different shapes we can find in our class. They finally used different magnet tiles and cubes and explored.
Quick Reminder
The school will be closed on March 2nd for Victory of Adwa.
Weekly Pictures.
