Kindergarten's Tenth Week of Educational Adventures!
Dear parents, How was your week? Ours was pretty amazing! We had a blast learning, exploring, and having fun together. Take a peek at what we've been up to! As a reminder, tomorrow (Saturday October 26th) will be our family day- international day themed edition. We hope to see you all there!
Large Group Time: The Daily Spark!
Large group time is always a special moment that sets the stage for our day. This week, in addition to our regular calendar review, morning message, and small group preview, we embarked on an exciting journey into the world of vowels!
We discovered how vowel sounds (a, e, i, o, u) are the key to reading CVC (Consonant-Vowel-Consonant) words. Our children actively participated, sounding out the vowels and understanding their importance in building words. We also expanded our geometric knowledge by exploring polygons, focusing on pentagons through decagons. We also learned about each of our flags, naming the colors as everyone participated in showcasing their individual flags. This got the class very excited for our upcoming family day, which we are looking forward to as well!
Our literacy adventures this week centered on those amazing vowel sounds (a, e, i, o, u) that we mentioned in the large group section. We began with our large group review, where we practiced naming and sounding out each vowel. To make learning even more engaging, we moved our first literacy class outdoors! The children sat on mats with individual trays of sand, and they excitedly practiced writing the vowels in the sand. This hands-on activity was a fantastic way to develop fine motor skills, explore different textures, and make learning a truly sensory experience. They had a blast! To solidify their understanding, we concluded with a "fill in the missing vowels" worksheet. Simple pictures provided helpful clues (like "C_t" with a picture of a cat), making the activity both fun and challenging.
Our little Einsteins were busy this week, honing their numbers sense! We continued our work with number sequences, focusing on filling in missing numbers. Building upon our success with numbers 1-50 from the previous week, we bravely tackled numbers 1-100. Our children, now more confident with number patterns, enthusiastically filled in the missing numbers, working collaboratively and supporting each other. They truly acted like number detectives, solving the number puzzles with impressive skill and teamwork. Our second math activity focused on rearranging numbers from least to greatest. This exercise allowed the children to practice counting and identify which number comes first, helping them understand the concept of order. They enthusiastically worked together to arrange all the numbers properly, reinforcing their number sense and teamwork skills.
This week in science, we delved into the fascinating world of magnets! We learned about their properties, including the North (N) and South (S) poles, and how magnets can attract or repel each other. Each child had the opportunity to conduct hands-on experiments, exploring the magnetic forces firsthand. Their eyes lit up with wonder as they witnessed the magnets attracting and repelling, making this a truly memorable scientific exploration. We took our second science activity outside, titled 'Magnet Fishing.' In this engaging experiment, we filled a large container with water and added magnet coins and pattern blocks, creating a lively underwater scene. Each child received a magnet wand to use for 'fishing.' As they attempted to catch the magnetic items, they discovered that water doesn’t interfere with the magnetic pull. We explained that magnets can attract certain metals through the water, demonstrating the invisible force at work. The children were fascinated to see how easily they could pull the items from the water, reinforcing their understanding of magnetism. Throughout the activity, they enjoyed chatting and sharing their discoveries, making it a fun and educational experience!
Our library time took on a unique twist this week! For our first session, we ventured outdoors, transforming our trampoline into a cozy reading nook. The children quietly enjoyed their books in this unusual setting, demonstrating their ability to focus and appreciate reading in different environments. Our second library session took place in the library room, where children paired up to read together, sharing stories and engaging in collaborative reading experiences.
Our gymnastics sessions began with a series of simple stretches and exercises to warm up their bodies. Then, the fun really began with a thrilling game of flashlight tag! One child held a flashlight, chasing the others and tagging them. This active game not only boosted their gross motor skills but also encouraged communication, teamwork, and strategic thinking. They had an absolute blast, running, laughing, and strategizing together.
This week in our art class, our children turned the art room into a vibrant creative space. They were encouraged to explore a variety of materials, including paints, markers, paper, and recycled items. Each child had the freedom to choose whichever supplies inspired them, allowing them to express their individuality and imagination. As a result, they crafted their own unique pieces of art, showcasing their creativity and personal style in a delightful and engaging way.
Next Week’s Schedule:
Monday – Math, Literacy
Tuesday – Literacy, Science, gym
Wednesday - Library, Math
Thursday - Science
Friday - Cooperative game
Monday- Art
Tuesday - Gym
Thursday - Ethiopian center/ clay
Friday - Football
Reminders and notes :
Next Wednesday Your child will be coming home with a library folder and a story book in it. Make sure to read the story together and return the folder book back the other Wednesday so your child can get a new book.
Make sure that your child is wearing suitable clothes on Monday as we have
art class and activities get messy sometimes.
We hope you enjoyed this detailed look into our exciting week! Join us again next week for more Kindergarten adventures! Have a wonderful weekend!