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Kindergartens fifth Week of Learning, Teamwork, and Autumn Adventures!

Hello family, hope you've all had a very productive week. Wondering how our week went by? Well, we had an absolute blast- interesting, educational, and a team-building type of week. Let's dive in to the details to take you through our little school adventures. As a reminder, next week on Thursday (September 26) we will have an early dismissal at 12pm for Demera, the traditional Ethiopian holiday. We will also be having a celebration starting 11am, including a bonfire and more fun! Further information on that will be coming out soon. The following Friday (September 27) the school will be closed for the holiday as well.


We started off our literacy session with a "Draw for a Friend" activity! Our children picked a name from a box containing class student names, drew a picture on a mini card for their friend, and exchanged them with warm gratitude and hugs. Our little artists were so mindful and excited! We were also so glad to see how strong their bonds already are with their classmates. Another literacy activity was coloring letters written inside a pumpkin picture. We focused on the letters "s," "n," "a," "p," "i," and "t," colored them with orange pencil crayons, and kept the fall vibe going strong!


Our math activities were a hit! First, the children paired markers using rubber bands and worked in groups of four to draw on chart paper with their matched markers. The teamwork and creativity were off the charts! Our second activity involved decorating 2D shapes with Q-tips and toothpicks. The kids had shapes printed out, used glue sticks, and followed lines to stick the Q-tips and toothpicks. Lots of fun and learning took place!


Our science activities were full of exploration and fun! We started with a large group discussion on fall fruits and veggies and had an outdoor tasting activity with sweet potatoes, grapes, apples, and broccoli. The kids loved enjoying the crisp, windy weather and sharing their favorite flavors. Our second science activity was a "Fall Scavenger Hunt" where children hunted for items on a checklist outdoors. The class busily scoured the whole campus for all the fall foliage on the list, and found almost all of them. It was an engaging and enjoyable experience!


Our art activity this week was all about the autumn season! The children were given a worksheet featuring a tree being blown by the wind and fallen leaves. They colored the trunk brown and added an autumn flair to the leaves. Lots of creativity and seasonal spirit were on display!


We took our gymnastics session outside, allowing our students to move and learn simultaneously. We drew shapes on the ground, and the children jumped on the shapes they were told. They kept their minds and bodies in shape while enjoying the fresh air!


Today, on the 20th of September, we celebrated Milly's birthday along with three others. We had a lot of fun singing the birthday song! It was sad to miss four of our children today, but overall, it was a great celebration.

Next Week’s Schedule

Monday – Math, Literacy

Tuesday – Literacy, science, gym

Wednesday - Library, Math

Thursday – Science, Library


Monday- Art

Tuesday - Gym

Thursday - Ethiopian Center

Reminders and notes

• Next Wednesday Your child will be coming home with a library folder and a story book in it. Make sure to read the story together and return the folder book back the other Wednesday so your child can get a new book.

  • Make sure that your child is wearing suitable clothes on Monday as we have

art class and activities get messy sometimes.

Stay tuned for more exciting adventures!


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