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Kindergartens seventh Week of Fun and Discovery!

Dear Family,

How was your week? We hope it was as productive as ours! If you’ve been wondering how our week went, let us take you through it and make you feel like part of our adventurous activities and learning.

Large Group

Our kindergarten large group sessions are fun, educational, and most of all, engaging! We always start with a greeting song, followed by the children helping with the calendar, taking turns each day. Next, we dive into our message, questions, and guessing games on our activity board. We read the message of the day together, focusing on the beginning and ending sounds of the words, as well as the punctuation used in all the sentences and questions. This week, our large group topic was “The Seven Continents.” As a community school with over 25 nationalities, we want to introduce our children to the seven continents, helping them identify which continent they are from. With Family Day (International Day) approaching, we aim to give them insight into what to expect.


Our literacy session this week was primarily academic. After covering the introductory parts, our children can now fully express themselves and their environment. We focused on sound and phonemic awareness. We are currently on Group 2 of our letters, which include “c, k, r, h, e, d, and m.” Our first activity involved tracing and rewriting these letters. The second activity was tracing and rewriting CVC words, allowing us to assess where our children stand in their letter-sound recognition, which is crucial for their reading preparation.


Our math activities this week were also focused on academics. We kicked off with a fun “Number Bingo Game” that helped us gauge the children's recognition and identification of numbers. We had a blast playing that game! For our second math session, we took the learning outdoors and worked on a “Fill the Missing Number” worksheet. The kids had a fantastic time counting out loud and figuring out the missing numbers. The worksheet consisted of 50 numbers, but some of them were eager to go all the way to 100!

Lucas, “I want to write more!” and used the back of the paper to write up to 100!


Our science activities this week were experimental! We started with a balloon-blowing activity using vinegar and baking soda in a plastic bottle, and the results were exciting! Some kids were thrilled, while others ran for their lives! 😂 It was such a fun and engaging activity, and they later played with the balloons they blew during the experiment and took them home. Our second science activity involved a flower color-changing experiment. Each child received a white flower with a short stem, a cup, and food coloring of their choice. They filled their cups with water, added the food coloring, and placed the flowers inside. Since we did this in the morning, we were able to see the results in the afternoon as the flowers began to absorb the colors. It was a delightful experience, and the children loved it!


The children were excited to observe their corn from last week. Milli noted, “It wasn’t like this then!” After feeling the corn with their hands, they started painting it using fall colors. Each child created their own unique style of painting, resulting in beautifully vibrant artwork.


We warmed up using the hopscotch area, alternating between the different hopscotch setups. Next, we moved to the grass to create an obstacle course using the climbing tunnel, small front and back ladders, and two tables as tunnels for them to crawl under. They climbed, crawled, and took turns, making it a moving and fun activity!


This week we have our first clay session with Asnake, who guided them through the instructions and introduced the materials used in that room. The children had a blast making their own creative clay pieces while chatting with one another.

Next Week’s Schedule :

Monday – Math, Literacy

Tuesday – Literacy, science, gym

Wednesday - Library, Math

Thursday – Science, Library

Friday - Cooperative Game


Monday- Art

Tuesday - Gym

Thursday - Ethiopian Center

Reminders and notes :

• Next Wednesday Your child will be coming home with a library folder and a story book in it. Make sure to read the story together and return the folder book back the other Wednesday so your child can get a new book.

  • Make sure that your child is wearing suitable clothes on Monday as we have

art class and activities get messy sometimes.

As you can see, our week was filled with fun and learning! Stay tuned for more adventures next week. See you all soon!


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