Knock Knock! Who is it?
It is us Early Preschool and Preschoolers.
How was your week? Ours? we had a lot of fun!
Join us for this year's first family day happening on Saturday, November 04,2023
Large Group
We spent our morning times talking about what we had done on our break time; they all took time to share the lovely times they had spent with their families and friends at home.
we had pattern this week on our session, it was a complex pattern "ABC" pattern, we had blocks, bears and unfix blocks. we worked our ways to the pattern. they enjoyed the activity, it helped them working on their focus span, concentration skill. They were also helping one another in forming and following the pattern.
we opened a calming and relaxing music so it can help us to gather our thoughts and focus on what we want to do. we just wanted to draw or write whatever we wanted to. They choose pencil colours to work with. After thinking of what to put in their journal book, they choose their favourite colour they want to draw with. Journaling can help them build their art skill, creativity, and writing skills, they can draw on their journal and express their creativity and improve their artistic abilities in expressing themselves, it also helps developing their fine motor skills.
children learn to express their ideas and imaginations through art. it encourages them to experiment with unknown materials and use new methods to make their beautiful masterpieces. This week for art we introduced them water paints, and how we can use water, brush, and the water paint to paint on our paper. They were able to understand that, if the water paint is dry, they can't paint with it, but if they put the brush in the water first then on the water paints, they can get the desired paint on the brush and work on their drawing on their paper.
Our Plan for next week
Monday - Cooperative Games
Tuesday - Maths (Pattern)
Wednesday - Art
Thursday - Literacy
Friday - Science
Tuesday - Library
Friday - Gymnastics
Every Tuesday is our Library Folder, please don't forget to return the library folder.
Please send your child with a sunscreen and hat as it gets sunny after snack time
Every Wednesday is our art day, send your chiid with an appropriate art clothing
Have a nice weekend!