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Last Week In Early Preschool and Preschool

Large group

This week in our large group we sang the "Good morning" song as well as our students favorite song the " " song. Then we went back to our message board where we took attendance then we counted how many boys and how many girls were in the class , went through days of the week and talked about the weather. We also read a book called " Polite cat" which is engaging book with a great message! The children loved it.

Math: This math session was all about colors and memory skills. We played a game using different materials such as colored yogurt cups ‘Orange, blue, yellow and red’ and used the same colors for blocks too. Then we laid down the blocks in a certain order and after the students took a look at the order, we covered it and one by one had them come up and try to order the yogurt cups the same. They really enjoyed the game and kept asking for another turn.

Library: In our last library session, we read a book about being the big brother/sister. While reading this book everyone was focused and engaged sharing their own experience of having a younger brother or sister.  They talked about how much the love their younger sibling, play with them and even teach them new things!

 Art: Our art class this week was so special because even our students were part of the preparation for it! We prepared our students the day before by asking them to bring a T-shirt that they would love to paint on. On Wednesday we started sharing together about the colors we want to use and what we would love to paint on our T-shirts.

 After that, we started painting and the children loved this time even didn’t want to stop painting! On the next day after our T-shirts got dry, we put them on and took some pictures together.   

Overall, it has been a wonderful week and wonderful year. We want to once again thank you all deeply for being a part of the LE family this year. For those of you who are moving, best of luck in the new chapter of your life, and to all the families, we hope your summer is filled with amazing memories. To those who will be returning to LE in the fall or for summer camp, we are excited to see you soon!


 Have a wonderful weekend




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