LE Gardeners!
Greeting parents,
Hope all you had a great week. We have been busy with our gardening and watering it during morning free choice time. It will be a great idea if you let them water or garden a seed at home too.
Our exploration during small group
Twister: after talking about the game Twister during circle time, we have come up with a game and related it to our literacy topic, which is sound of letter. We wrote all the letters on a paper plates and spread them on a mat, we then call out their names and the sound they need to step on. They have used both legs and hands to make a “Funny Pose”. It was such a nice way and fun game to teach them about sounds.
Planting our seed: after a long exploration of gardening, we have planted our seeds, Beetroot, Carrot and Spinach. We have talked about how we can take care of our garden by watering it in the morning. They cannot wait for the seeds to grow and eat them!
Making a shape: during snack time, one of our friends from kindergarten made a triangle with her apple. Everyone then follows and tried to make different shapes with their snack. As the interest of children leads us to come up with activities, we planned to make shapes using, straw, beads, paintbrush and markers. They all come up with shapes they know and also with our help, they made shapes with more than four sides like, Pentagon, Hexagon and Heptagon.
Continents: this week we introduced our group to what continent is. As we have been talking about countries during our topic on ‘Where you from’ and explored with map, the concept was not hard for them to understand even though we will continue to explore about it more. We talked about the seven continents and most of them were very impressed with ‘Antarctica’ as they found out only polar bears and penguins live!
Yoga: last week, our groups were very interested in our large group book about Yoga. And they guided themselves to make their own pose by looking at the book. This week, since the weather was really great for us to do the activity outside, we went in our playground, sat on a mat, took a deep yoga breath (as Finnegan puts it!) and pose different Yoga poses. The poses were, Apple, Frog, Boat, Cow, Tiger, Dinosaur and Cat.
o Our Library Day is every Thursday, please makes sure to send your child with library book so they can change another one.
o Our Art Day is on Tuesday so please do not forget to send them with their Art cloth.
o As the day is getting sunny, make sure to send your child with extra cloth and sunscreen.
