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Meskel Celebration Week In Kindergarten class!

Dear Parents,

Hello, we had fun and exciting week. The children were learning fun and exciting ways of singing ‘Abebayehosh’ they were saying lemlem with their lovely voices and we really enjoyed singing the song and shared a ‘kebero’ (drum).

On Tuesday we had a really good and fun day by celebrating the ‘Meskel’ all of us wear our traditional clothes, we had a big fire, the kids were excited and happy to sing the ‘Abebayehosh’, we had a good day!

Large group

For our large group session, we started by singing the good morning song, explored the color black, participating in the circle time calendar activity strengthened our time management skills, sharing about our days allowed us to connect with one another. It was a week filled with learning, creativity, and friendship. “Tricky Tortoise” was a book that they were excited to know what the tortoise did and how he tricked the elephant.

Small group


This week for our literacy class we did a CVC word which was fun and engaging to the kids. We did it by turning CVC word blocks and trying to spell them out and once they spell them out, they started drawing them on a pieces of paper using their imagination, we had a fun class.


This week for our math session we did comparing numbers which was fun and engaging lesson, after comparing the numbers we did filling the missing numbers which was so engaging for the kids being focused and filling out thy e missing numbers and they had fun doing that.


For our music session this week, we did the musical instrument which was fun and engaging and all the kids were excited to touch and explore with all the musical instruments and know and identify their sound and were happy! we had a class filled with lots of laughter and fun.

Our plan for next week is as follows: -

Large group

Songs: -Good morning songs

Circle time calendar


Small group

Monday: - Literacy

Tuesday: - Math

Wednesday: - Journal

Thursday: - Science

Friday: - Co-operative game / Music


  • Every Wednesday is our library day, so we will be sending a book that your child picked from our library, which will be returned after a week on library day.

  • Every Thursday is our art day so please send your child with art appropriate clothing.

  • As the weather is changing please send your child with a hat and sunscreen!

Thank you for your time!

Have a blast weekend!!!



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