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Nice Week In Our Early pre school and Pre school


We had a week filled with lots of  fun in our early preschool and preschool. We hope yours was good as well!!

Large group

This week during our large group time, we discussed Family Day. Many of our students had celebrated it before and shared their memories with their new friends. They talked about how on Family Day, mommy and daddy would come, they would eat ice cream, and they would show their class to their parents. It made us really happy to see them remember and share these special moments. After that, we sang our Good Morning song and other songs before returning to our message board. We took attendance, talked about the days of the week, and also discussed the weather, water animals, and fruits.

Small group


During our music session, we had a blast singing the favorite songs of our students. We sang songs like "The Wheels on the Bus," "The Floor is Lava," and "I Like to Move It," among others. As we listened to the lyrics, we practiced the actions and got up from our seats to dance and have fun. We were happy and had a great time participating in the songs and movements.


In our clay project, our teacher explained to us how clay is fired in kiln (Also known as oven by the kids) and the benefits of firing it. In the past weeks, we worked on making our school and a rainbow out of clay, and then we painted them with different colors.


In our math session, we explored AB patterns using blocks and sticks. We arranged the blocks and sticks in a sequence, alternating between one block and one piece of wood. This activity encouraged the kids to think about what comes next in the pattern. They did a great job and engaged well with the activity.


Our students chose their favorite books and they read with their friends. Then they chose the books to take home. We had a great time.


In our science session, we focused on distinguishing between different water animals like seahorses, starfish, octopuses, and fish, as well as other materials found in the sandbox. As part of our exploration, we washed them with soap and water to prepare for next week's activities.


In our literacy session, we covered Zoo phonics from a to h. We learned about the names, sounds, and actions associated with each letter. Then, our students chose their favorite letter and demonstrated its sound, name, and associated action.


       Our plan for next week is as follows.

Monday - Music /Cooperative Game

Tuesday - Math

Wednesday - Science

Thursday - Literacy

Friday - Gymnastics

                                     Our Specials

Tuesday - Library

Wednesday - Art

Friday -Ethiopia center / Maker space


° Every Tuesday is our library day, please make sure to return the library folder.

° Please send your child with a sunscreen and hat as it gets sunny after snack time.

°Every Wednesday, we have Art so please send your children with art appropriate clothing.

Have a nice weekend !!




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