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Our class in this week

Dear parents,

We had a lovely week in Early preschool and Preschool, and we hope yours was nice as well!


Large group

This week, we identified different wild animals in our large group sessions, and we had a great time learning about our students' favorite animals. Then, it was time sing our Good morning song the class’s favorite- the "Five little monkeys” song. Finally, we went back to our message board where we took attendance, went through days of the week and talked about the weather. We also read a book called " I am not cute", which is a funny engaging book with a great message! The children loved it


During our math session they colored different numbers and connected the dots. First,  all the students  practiced tracing numbers one by one on the board ,  then we gave them their worksheet and they chose their favorite color and colored and traced. Our students were very attentive. They did better than we expected. We had a great time.


It was an exciting and productive week in literacy! During this session, we did Zoo phonics. We saw the name, sounds and actions of the letters. Then our students took their favorite letter and showed us the name, the action and their sounds. It was a blast!


During our music session we had a lot of fun. We explored different musical instruments such as piano, shakers, drum and guitar. Then we sang different songs  including "Freeze and dance" , "Little bunny" , "Miss Polly had a doll",  and "Five little monkeys". 


During our library session, we reminded our students about some library rules like how we should open books carefully, how we shouldn't tear up books, and so on. Then they started reading books, and choosing which ones to take home.  We love seeing their individuality shine through in their selected books. We had a really wonderful time!




                    Our plan for next week is as follows:

Monday - Music /Cooperative Game

Tuesday - Math

Wednesday - Science

Thursday - Literacy

Friday - Gymnastics


Our Specials

Tuesday - Library

Wednesday - Art

Friday -Ethiopia center / Maker space


° Every Tuesday is our library day; please make sure to return the library folder.

° Please send your child with a sunscreen and hat, as it gets sunny after snack time.

°Every Wednesday, we have Art so please send your children with art appropriate clothing.

                           Have a nice weekend dear parents!!




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