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Our Early Pre-k this Week

Dear Parents,

As the year goes by our Week in early pre- k class is getting more interesting! Throughout the past weeks we have watched our students become more comfortable, confident and socially engaged not only with teachers but also with their mates.

Quick Reminder :

The coming Monday - Friday (October 16 - 20) school will be closed for Fall break. See you all back on October 23!!

What we had for this week

Large group: In our large group the students shared about how their three days weekend went by and the special things they got to do “I played football with my dad” one of the students shared. For this week we also had the number four “4”, the triangle shape and the color blue and for our morning message our students got the chance to finish a simple pattern, trace numbers on the board and count how many fingers on one hand and how many toes on one foot.

Math: We continued with our pattern topic and this week our class worked on ‘AB’ pattern using shapes and colors some of them were more interested in colors and some in shapes. They spent good time practicing shapes, colors and patterns!

Also, on Tuesday afternoon we did a fishing activity where students were sorting out primary colors.

Cooperative game: Our students loved “What time is it Mr. Wolf?” game so we played it this Tuesday and this time they were more engaged and independent by holding the clock by themselves and moving the clockwise.

On Wednesday afternoon we played another game where students had to work in teams of two and try to move some materials from one side to the other, each team played enthusiastically and quickly trying to finish before the others!

Yoga: We had yoga class this Tuesday, we did different positions like ‘Tree, dog, butterfly’ our students had their bodies moving and their muscles stretched.

Science: On Tuesday we finished our five senses topic by doing ‘Tasting’. We prepared some fruits for the students to taste like: ‘Strawberry, Apple, and Lemon’; it was nice seeing their facial expressions changing from one fruit to the other.

Literacy: This week we spent some time working on our Journals and it was a chance for our students to put their bright thoughts on papers and also to work on their fine motor skills.

Library: Our story book title was “Biscuit finds a friend” and it is about a little dog named Biscuit who found a lost duckling and helped taking it back to its family.

Art: On today’s art class we had a free drawing activity using crayons.

Gymnastics: Gymnastics teaches young children persistence by practicing one move more than one time and discipline by waiting for their turn and following instructions.

Our schedule for next week:

Monday- Math

Tuesday- Cooperative game

Wednesday- Science

Thursday- Literacy

Friday- Art

Our specials

Tuesday- Clay

Thursday- Library

Friday- Gymnastics

Reminders and notes

  • Thursday is our library class remember to send the library folder and book.

  • Friday is Art class have your child wear suitable clothes.

  • As the weather is changing, please send your child with a hat and sunscreen.

  • Please make sure to drop your child early in the morning before 8:40am.

  • Next week is Fall Break we will meet again the week after on Monday.

Have a nice weekend!


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