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Our Exciting First October Week In Early Pre-K!

Dear Parents,

We hope you enjoy reading this week’s blog! Our class has been engaging in a variety of fun and educational activities designed to support their growth and development.

Large group

This week in our large group sessions, the shape of the week was heart and the color of the week was purple! The children really enjoyed looking for hearts and the color purple all around them, in the class and on the clothes that they wore.

Our number of the week was five ‘5’ and ‘e’ was the sound of the week. We have been counting different sets of five objects as well as tallying them and looking at different vocabulary that starts with the letter ‘E’.

For our morning message we discussed how we spent our three day weekend and also talked about the importance of brushing teeth and washing hands. It was an engaging and fruitful time in large group this week!


This week we continued with the tally counting as the children are now interested in tally counting different things such as days of the week, month of the year and how many friends are in the class and how many are absent.

We started the session by counting numbers 1- 10 on the board then, we had different materials prepared in sets (1-10) like two cubes, five teddy bears, six cake cups and so on. Then everyone had a chance to choose the set of materials that he/she wanted to tally count using Popsicle sticks.

The children really enjoyed this activity. Not only did they practice a new concept but also worked on their team spirit as they were helping each other!


We had an exciting music session, and your children had the opportunity to explore rhythm and creativity! During this session the children practiced copying beats played by the teacher on the drums, helping them develop their listening and coordination skills.

Afterwards, the children got the chance to create their own beats on the drums and the class followed them by clapping! It was wonderful to see them express themselves musically and have fun experimenting with different rhythms.


Continuing with our hygiene topic that we started last week, this week our focus was on the importance of washing hands. We started our session by reviewing ideas from our last session, so we discussed a little about brushing teeth.

After that we enjoyed a washing hands song and talked about why and when we wash our hands, then we headed outside to practice what we talked about!

“The germs are going to cry when we wash our hands!” Riley

We followed our hand washing topic with a session where we did a germ experiment. We used water in cups and sprinkled some black pepper on it and put some soap drops to represent what happens to germs when you wash your hands. The children felt so excited when they saw that the germs were going away!



This week the children worked on their journals, engaging in creative expression by drawing and coloring different things that captured their imagination. Each child had the chance to focus on something that interested them, whether it was a favorite animal, a shape, or even an adventure from their own thoughts.

At the end of the session, we came together as a group, and each child had the opportunity to share with the class what they had drawn or colored.  

“This is rainbow girls” Hala

“Ball” Ismael


‘The things I love About Play Time’ was the title of our story book this week. This story book got everyone’s attention and all started to share about their own play time experience, what they like to play and with who.

“I like to go to Hala’s house and play with her” Nina


This time in the art session we went back to an art project that we started before- handprint tracing we made and stuck different materials to. We started off by cutting around the traced hand, then each child chose a colored paper to stick the hand on. After that we decorated the frame using beans, pom poms, and ribbons.

It was a great opportunity for the children to work on their fine motor skills and creativity and they loved the outcome!


We are thrilled to let you know that your child has had their first clay sculpting session! It was a wonderful experience where the children explored the texture of clay, letting their creativity guide them in shaping their very own sculptures.

Overall, it’s been a wonderful week and we look forward to more educational adventures in the coming days.


Our next week’s schedule

Monday- Math+ Cooperative game

Tuesday- Science

Wednesday- Literacy

Our Specials

Tuesday- Library

Thursday- Art

Friday- Ethiopian center+ Gymnastic

Reminders and notes

  • Tuesday is our library class so make sure to send the previous book back to exchange.

  • Thursday is our art class make sure you child is wearing a suitable clothes as the activities might be a bit messy sometimes.

    Have a good weekend!


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