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Our Exciting Two Weeks

Greetings Dear Parents,

The past two weeks have been fun and exciting for our class! We did an amazing job to settle in to our environment and understand our routines. This week we have our classmate Frankie join us and all of us were super excited and happy to see him.

About me

Hello dear parents I am Yeabsra Mehari, i am delighted to be with your lovely kids this year, i am a fun and easy to talk to person. if you have any concern about your kid you find me through our class number.

Large group (circle time)

This is the time for us to settle in and try to have a good conversation within ourselves like how our morning went and how we want to spend the day, and while doing that we talked about what we will be doing and, we did the ‘Good morning’ songs and let the kids choose two other songs and most of them like the song 'Down by the bay' and also they really enjoy the song 'i like to move it move it'.

After doing this we went to our ‘circle time calendar’ which makes them learn lots of things like knowing the days of the week, months of the year and also will help them know the weather since it has a weather board in it. We also count numbers, and have an alphabet for a week in it and they will be saying words that is in their mind using the letter we have. This week’s alphabet was B.

Small group (exploration time)

Small groups are specific activities that the children’s explore throughout the week; the areas that we explore are math, science, Literacy, Cooperative game, Music and movement, Art and Library.

This two weeks have been exciting for us because it is the time that we adapt to our environment and like knowing our daily routines and cleaning up after we finish our work and sharing with our friends and helping our friends if they need it and have our classroom expectations and also knowing their snack and work times.


For science we have explored about weather and inner body parts. The first week we talked about weather and they all were telling us what the weather is like, they also have brought the umbrella and boots that they want to show to the class what we wear during rainy season since we are in one.


For literacy we have done constructing words by using the alphabets and we were so amazed seeing them forming their own name using the 3D alphabets .


For Math we did counting using different kinds of materials that we have in our class, they all did an amazing job counting numbers using the pizza, numbers and blocks that we had.

Co-operative game

For co-operative game, we played with 'musical dot', while doing that when the song plays the dance and had fun and when it stops they stopped on the musical dots. we have also done 'duck duck goose' and that we played by having a paper in our hand and going around the kids that have sited and putting it behind their back by saying goose, we had fun doing it.

Next week we will be focusing on different activities based on the children's interest and based on their different developmental stages and we plan through the week but we will see and if they all are well equipped with the lesson we will wrap it in a week but if they need more briefing we will extend it to the next week with our planning.

Our plan for the next week is as follows:-

large group

songs :-Good morning song, Down by the bay

circle time calendar the alphabet C will be our letter of the week

books :-"kindergarten here i come "

Small group:-

Monday:- Co-operative Game (Play ground Rules)

Tuesday:- Math (shapes)

Wednesday:- Literacy (Beginning sounds)

Thursday:- science (Inner Body Parts)

Friday:- Music

Special days

Tuesday:- Gymnastics

Wednesday:- Library

Thursday:- Art


  • The weather is changing so do not forget to send a raincoat, boot and hat and sunscreen for your child.

  • Every Wednesday is our library day,so we will be sending a book that your child picked from our library, which will be returned after a week on library day.

  • Every Thursday is our art day so please send your child with art appropriate clothing.

Thank you and have a great weekend!



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