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Our Farewell To Our Dearest Friend

We had a bittersweet week. We had to say our goodbye to our most dearest amazing and intelligent boy Levine. we will miss you! Have the best on your journey!

Quick Reminder:

Next week Monday - Friday (October 16 - 20 ) school will be closed for Fall break and teachers will have a training!

Our large group this week:

we are having such an extended large group as our kids are becoming more expressive about themselves and their ideas. they conversate in their circle time and share their different and beautiful thoughts and ideas and their plan for the day to their teachers and friends. We talk about how we can all be respectful to each other and even more to our circle time.

our message board had Number 5,6,7,8, and 9 and as for zoophonics we had 'e, f, g,h,and i' for this week.

we had our day of the week, weather, and our attendance as well which our kids are excited to work on, in our class our kids all get turn every day to identify and recognize their friends who is here in class and who is not, then they will stick their pictures under the happy face and sad face then also work on their counting skill by counting the pictures.

Small Group This Week,

Music ; We introduced new songs, new actions and how we can follow directions and how to follow different instructions by listening attentively the songs.


patterns our primary focus on patterns is to observe the kids ideas on routines and some daily activities. Patterns helps children understand the concept of repetition through sets of different activities. Before working our patterns we sorted different colored materials according to their similarities. We will be doing simple AB pattern in the next session!


We prepared Yarns, glue and paper! It was time to get creative! who said you can only make art with paints and brushes! We painted the paper glue, the choose different sized and colored yarns and started making different structures and shapes!

Nina " Mita and me"

Yamen " Me and My baby brother"

Leul " Dinosaur"

Mitsuki " It is my home"


it is always fun with our zoophonics friends! we enjoy making their sounds and following through their actions. We brought Play dough to trace the zoophonics flash cards. This hand on activity helps kids to recognize and identify each letters shapes and structures.


what a nice way to stretch our little muscles! It was time for gymnastics. we jogged for a little bit to warm up and relax our bodies, then after we worked on our lower body parts our legs and the coordination of mind and leg. the activity was the instructor would throw a musical dot and the child laying on the mat will try to catch with their legs. It was so much fun and relaxing!


One of our senses is tasting, we explored with sour and sweet things, we prepared

salt, sugar. orange and lemon. It was funny watching their facial expressions. What was even more surprising was some of our kids liked the sourness of salt and were even asking for more to taste. They identified and labeled them as sour and sweet. Apart from tasting they also learned on their comparison skills, color identification and sorting, and analysis.

Our Plan After The fall Break

Monday - Cooperaive game (Obstacles)

Tuesday - Maths (Pattern)

Wednesday - Art

Thursday - Journal

Friday - Science (Hygiene)


Tuesday - Library

Friday - Gymnastics


  • Every Tuesday is our Library Folder, please don't forget to return the library folder.

  • Please send your child with a sunscreen and hat as it gets sunny after snack time

  • Every Wednesday is our art day, send your chiid with an appropriate art clothing

Have a lovely Break!

See you all on October 23rd



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