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Our First Blog Of The Year ! Early Preschool & Preschool

Greetings Dear Parents!!

It is so nice to have all of our lovely friends back and start this amazing annual year. Time goes by quickly it has been two weeks since we started our new school year.

We are having a good time getting to know one another, and it is so nice to witness the growth and development of our old friends.

During our large group we shared ideas what we had been doing for the past couple of weeks for our summer break. Some of our friends told us they were on a good vacation away from home but with their families and so on. Our large group is now getting bigger as we have lots of ideas we want to share to our friends. We talk about our morning, what we had from breakfast, whom we came with, what we saw on the road, what we did with our mom or dad, the places we had visited our favorite food and drink. The weather, days of the week, and we had “Clifford’s first day of school as our book of the week for the past two weeks”

Our favorite music has been, wheels on the bus, five little monkeys, head shoulder knees, and toes throughout our days. We also enjoyed reading our books.

Cooperative game.

We discussed about our playground rules and safety’s. How we ride our bikes, how to follow the arrow, how to follow instructions and also that we have to share with our friends, our 2 Minutes rule (sharing method). We took the activity outside on the playground and exercised what we had talked about.


We had counting activity. We brought our counting bears and unfix blocks and each child got the chance to choose which material they wanted to count with. Some counted single digit numbers and some counted double digit numbers. They were getting creative in the way they counted some will sort the colors and count “I have 4 red blocks” I have 8 yellow bears”


Of course we had missed our zoo phonics friends, it was a good time to bring them back and spend some time with them. Trying to understand what we meant by zoophonics? Well it is the method we use to learn our alphabets A-Z their sounds and their actions. It didn’t take much of their time when they recalled their names, their sounds and the actions they make.


We were so interested in discussing the current weather, we talked about what we wear on a sunny day, on a rainy day and on a cloudy day, we tried looking outside the window and they will say” look it is cloudy” the sun is behind the cloud” it is sunny, I am hot”. We prepared an activity where we collected different cloths for different types of weather and the activity was to sort out where each piece of cloth should go to. It was amazing how they were able to identify and sort most of the types.


On our art session we had an enjoyable time where we had to scribble, draw and trace whatever we had in our minds. The children got the chance to choose which color paper they wanted we provided different colored crayons and pencil colors. they all got carrie away in their creativity. They were all excited and shared what they had drawn on their paper.

" I made Mommy and daddy House"

"I Make a dino"

" Liyat, Mititi, baba, and Mommy and Gennet"

Our Plans for the Next Week

Monday - Cooperative Games ( Exploring with Balls)

Tuesday - Math's (Count and Match)

Wednesday - Science (Body Parts)

Thursday - Literacy (All about me, portrait)

Friday - Arts ( Draw yourself)


Thursday - Music

Friday - Library


  • The weather is changing so do not forget to send a raincoat, boot and hat and sunscreen for your child.

  • On our art days try to send your child with an art appropriate clothing.

  • Do not forget to return Library Folders on your Childs Library Day.



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