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Our Fun Weekly Blog

Dear Parents,

We had a wonderful and exciting week as always! Hope you enjoyed your week as well. We have been doing different fun activities.

Our large group

We enjoyed our large group session a lot! We discussed about our classroom rules such as being respectful to each other, using ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’ in our conversations, how we play nicely together and sharing our toys to each other and also, we change our setup. We did our circle time center, read our favorite books, counted our caterpillar, did our message board, and sang different songs It went very well!

Music and Movement

This week in Music and Movement class, our kids danced to the songs ‘Jump to the beat’ and other action songs. Everyone was so engaged and had fun doing the actions; spin, jump, swing, shake etc. They were all happy and excited when doing the actions.


Our Literacy this week, we kept focusing on zoo phonics which helps children hear, identify, and use different sounds to make words. Our children were participating a lot and making various words using the sounds of the zoo phonics as always.


On Gymnastics our kids did balancing on a gymnastic ball. This exercise increases flexibility, balance, and physical development. But most importantly, the children were cheerful and happy to do the activity. They took multiple turns and still wanted to do more. We all shared a wonderful time together with our children.


This week we focused on habitat. We discussed about polar and desert habits and the kids were engaged and happy about the activity. We all had an amazing time and spent a wonderful time together with our children.

Our activities for next week will be.

Monday – Cooperative game

Tuesday – Literacy (Zoo phonics)

Wednesday -Math (Pattern)

Thursday- Library

Friday - Science

Our Specials

Wednesday- Gymnastic

Thursday - Library

Friday- Art


As it gets sunny, please send the children with a hat and sunscreen.

Every Thursday is our Library Day; please make sure to return the library folder.

Every Friday, we have Art so please send your children with art appropriate clothing.

Have a wonderful weekend!



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