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Our Kindergarten This Week!

Dear Parents,

Hello, The children were exploring fun and exciting ways of knowing their subtraction and sight words.

Large group

For our large group session, we started by singing the good morning song, explored the color purple, participating in the circle time calendar activity strengthened our time management skills, sharing about our days allowed us to connect with one another. It was a week filled with learning, creativity, and friendship.

Small group


For our literacy session we did the sight word game which was entertaining and interesting for the kids. Using the sight word cards allowed the children to visually recognize the words and have fun with the words. We wrote some sight words on our mini whiteboard using a sticky note so they could memorize the words and call them out while they are under the sticky note, they called them out turn by turn and were so happy to remember what was inside while having fun.

“Is this another crazy idea?” Matteo

“Me know number 3.” Haon


For our math session we did subtraction, this week we made it more engaging individually, which also improved their fine motor skill since we used scissors, we printed a baby face and used a sticky note on top to make it look like the baby’s hair, we wrote numbers to be subtracted then the kids started trimming the numbers to have the correct findings.

“Ohh baby hair!!” Kevin

“We will cut the baby hair?” Frankie


We did a rocket car since all our kid’s ideas are all about cars, rockets, airplanes, and spaceship by taking their ideas we tried to do the car using laminated paper, straws, balloon, highland lids, and bamboo sticks. The activity was fun, and they were excited to try the moving car, our class are also working on teamwork and working in group, and they were saying “We do all together?” It was a fun activity.

“Me, Kevin, Maal Red balloon” Haon

“Can you make my car move?” Frankie

“Wow my turn is next?” Andre


For our journal session as we usually do the kids got creative and drew their ideas in their journals in a creative way and put their stories in picture, we were happy to see them express their ideas freely as always it was a day filled with fun and excitement.

“This story is about the vampire hunter.” Matteo

“Parking” Michael

Our plan for next week is as follows: -

Large group

Songs: -Good morning songs

Circle time calendar


Small group

Monday: - Literacy

Tuesday: - Math

Wednesday: - Journal

Thursday: - Science

Friday: - Co-operative game / Music


  • Every Wednesday is our library day, so we will be sending a book that your child picked from our library, which will be returned after a week on library day.

  • Every Thursday is our art day so please send your child with art appropriate clothing.

Thank you for your time!

Have a blast weekend!!!



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