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Our Kindergarten This Week!!

Hello dear parents,

How was your week? Our week was filled with learning, laughter and also sharing and caring for one another.

Large group

For our large group session, we started by singing the good morning song. Pink was our color for this week as well as heart was our shape for the whole week. We have been discussing maker space and also how we are going to be able to use recycled materials to create the things that they want to, and we were really amazed by their ideas. They all had an idea to share and at the same time they were able to sketch their ideas on papers. Participating in the circle time Calendar activity strengthened our time management skills, and sharing our days allowed us to connect with one another. It was a week filled with learning and being respectful and friendly. 


This week for our literacy session we did blending words as well as vowel letters, and we did the blending words ‘bl’, ‘cl’, ‘fl’ on which all the kids have been engaged and were really interested with the topic, while doing the vowel letters they were saying we only take the letters which are hard workers with cap, while the others were on the other side were doing the blending words. The kids were engaged and were participating in the activity. We had a fun way of learning the vowel letters as well as blending words.



For our math session, we did measurement, which was engaging and fun, we were also amazed by the kids and how they have been organizing the shapes that were on the circle so they would be able to measure by and they were also able to count how many shapes they have with them as well as sort colors and call out all the shapes name. We had an active learning and engaging session filled with laughter and happiness.



This week for our library session we read the book ‘Rose and the sun’ which they choose to listen to and they were eager and excited to listen to the next part of the story, after reading a book together they choose a book by themselves and were reading with friends and also alone.


This week our science session was filled with discussion about compost materials and what compost means and the use of compost they were all focused on the topic, and they wanted to know if it will be a fertilizer or not and we have also discussed to start collecting compost materials to start our project to make fertilizers.

-      “Look i have banana we use this later” Kevin

-      “The green recycle we use it again?” Haon



This week for our art session we let the kids practice the canvas ideas in a group of three on a big chart paper and all the kids did an amazing job and all of them remembered what they wanted to do and were helping each other out while doing the art project together.

-      “I wanted to make butterflies using my hand.” Ruut

-      “I want to make my caterpillar.” Matteo

-      “This is airplane” Micheal

Our plan for next week is as follows: -

Large group

Songs: -Good morning songs

Circle time calendar



Small group

Monday: - Literacy

Tuesday: - Math

Wednesday: - Journal

Thursday: - Science

Friday: - Co-operative game / Music


-  Every Wednesday is our library day, so we will be sending a book that your child picked from our library, which will be returned after a week on library day.

-  Every Wednesday we have Football, so please send your child with football appropriate clothing.

-  Every Thursday is our art day so please send your child with art appropriate clothing.

Thank you for your time!

Have a blast weekend!!!




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