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Peek Of Our Lovely Week -- Early Preschoolers

Another great week full of exciting and engaging activities had passed. Hope our dear parents had a productive week.

Early Reminder: The anticipation is almost over; ART AUCTION is here!!!! We cannot wait to show our amazing and beautiful art pieces made by our very own kids. Get yourself ready, you don't want to miss it out so mark your Calendar on the evening of 27th of May. More information will be disclosed. keep in tuned!

Large Group

Our large group for this week were more of a discussion times. We tried to recall our class rules, our magic words, and how to play gently with our friends.

The Book 'Biscuit' had now become our class's favorite book of all time, they all asked to have it for this week as well.

we sang 'Good Morning song', 'weather song', 'days of the week song' and we had new songs for our song times, we had 'Johnny', 'BaaBaa black sheep' and ' I like to move it move it' where we also got to have fun and exercising moments in every transition.

We took out zoo phonics and patter from our message board and added counting with crayons we sticked on the board. Number of the week was number - 10.

Our small Group

Music and movement, Maths - counting number, Literacy - Journal, Science - Experimental, and Gymnastics

Musical/ Movement Mondays: "Let's jump on the dots". we had our speaker, iPod, and musical dots. We had musical dots matching with the number of the kids. This is how it went, we opened a music and danced around and when the music stops, we had to quickly find a dot and step on it, otherwise we will be out, because it will be minus one dots every time the music stops and starts playing again. All of them tried their best and focused on the instruction. Some of our kids were sad because they didn't understand the rules. We explained well that we will have another session next week as well and that they will show us their best moves.

Clay: It is becoming our favorite special of all times, they all are engaged and looking forward to having a mud exploration with Asnake our Clay teacher. They made beautiful creative crafts out of mud, 'a car', a dinosaur, an alligator, a house and many more amazing creative ideas.

Mathematical Tuesday: We had number counting activities, we prepared, wooden Blocks, counting Bears, and counting animals. They all got to choose the material they wanted to count with. Some were counting till twenty-three, and some were counting only one digit number. We will have another counting activity for next week.

Art: we brought our now dried clay crafts in our art session, and we all painted each piece the paints we chose.

Literacy Wednesdays: we brought our journal times back. We missed hearing and seeing our kids telling us different stories and sharing our ideas we had made up or recalling some memories.

Experimental Thursdays: Our beans have sprouted yayy!! But our chickpeas are not showing any signs of sprouting and we are trying to figure out why? "Our beans are growing some little green plant" as Noam has tried to explain. By Next week we will plant the sprouted beans in the soil!

Gymnastics: started off by recalling the different poses and shapes we had learned before, then warmed up our bodies and stretched for a bit. We worked on our body flexibility, we sat in L shape the tried to touch our toes with straight legs, then the other was to be on our knees and touch our toes from behind. It was such a challenging one, we did it anyways!!

Our Plans for the Next Week

Monday - Cooperative Games and Music and Movement

Tuesday - Math's

Wednesday - Literacy

Thursday - Science

Friday - Gymnastics


Monday - Clay

Tuesday - Art

Wednesday - Library


  • The weather is changing so do not forget to send a raincoat, boot and hat and sunscreen for your child.

  • On our art days try to send your child with an art appropriate clothing.

  • Do not forget to return Library Folders on your Childs Library Day.



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