Pre-k and Kg Weekly Insight.
Greeting parents,
The children are super excited about family day and it would be really nice for you all to come and see what they have been working on.
Large group this week
We spent most of our large group by talking about family day and spelling the longest word, which was Kangaroo! The other thing we tried to give more focus on was, the toys they bring from home. It is such a beautiful thing to see them sharing what they bring to their friends and they have our full support in that! Toys children play with should be interesting, fun, and most importantly safe. Safe can be physically and emotionally, when we say emotionally, toys can make children happy, sad, aggressive and angry and that could make them react those emotions on their friends. For example toys like, guns, sword, bombs and such. When children bring those toys at school, we give it a big attention to talk about how it can be used in a wrong way. Therefore dear parents it is very important to let children plays toys that can only help them develop their good emotions!
Small group this week
Journal Monday: here are some stories our group shared with us this week,
Emily: “this is a rainbow and it is far away, you can’t touch it. And look its everywhere!”
Yamlak: “ this is a sun running and it purple! And the black sun run to the king house!”
Aaizaaz: “ a blue ladder run to the truck and scared the building! I drew zigzag and it a mountain and there is a bird window on the mountain.”
Victor: “ this is you lung, breath ok! This is the swimming pool and I lost my hat!”
Nathaniel: “ this is a grass and on the grass, there is mommy, daddy, my Heran. We are going to our family!”
Reading: last week we have used magnet letters to help us form words, this week we stick those letters on a board and tried to read words with three, four and even fives letters on it. The Pre-k helped us sound all the worlds and even blend the two ending words like, at to spell Bat and ot to spell pot and more. The Kg blends all the letters and read the words like, Crab, Land, Form, Cold, Sold, Broom.
Vitamins Wednesday: fruits and vegetable are part of our daily talk. We have been talking about the importance of fruits for quite some times. Our groups with proud face when they bring fruits to show it to us! This week we brought the topic of Vitamins and its importance. We explained to them in a very simple way by relating the topic with the advantage it gives to our body. We also talked about the types of vitamins and how they help our bodies, for instance, Vitamin A and how it helps us to see in low lights, and we talked about Vitamin D, how it help us with our bones. We will talk about different fruits and vegetable that we can get those Vitamins from in our next session. Maybe they can beat us to it if you can help them!
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