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Pre-k and Kg Weekly News and Note.


The big project on making our school colorful continued with big motivation from both the children and teachers. You will be wanted to come to our school more after we finished with everything! It is not only fun but it will strengthen the children social skill, communication and confident as they are the one who will execute the job! We hope you all had colorful week.

Large group

We would like to thank parents for sending out books to share with our groups during large group. It is very good experience as the children learn how to share things of their own. This week we get to read Yamlak and Victors book during large group, Victors book was in Danish so we let him take the lead! He explained some words for us but he keeps saying you are not saying right it silly Miraf! And Yamlak brought a book called `a New Kitten’ and that open a conversation about Emilies cats, Rainbow and Blueberry, but it was sad to hear that Rainbow run away because "she wants to be a bad cat!"

Small group this week

Writing Monday: after we introduced the concept of writing for kindergarten group, it was time for them to practice writing letters using writing strips. We talked about the rules of writing strips, where to write and where not to write, which direction we start and the types of the lines. We started off with small letters, and they practiced by repeating the letters till, the end of the line. From now on they will be practicing during large group also.

Musical dot Tuesday: due to the weather, we had to change what we have planned for cooperative game, which was Rely, to musical dot inside our classroom. Finnegan was shy and said she doesn’t want to play but her friends take over to explain to her how to play, and surprisingly she won the game! They went on having many turns and had a good time in the cold weather.

Family tree Wednesday: our project about family tree has almost reached its finishing line. Last week they planed on what to use and the color they wanted to paint for the components of the tree. In the small group, they designed the stem and branches of the tree and cut it out, they also used green paper, as per suggested, for the leaf. In work time, which was Art, they painted the branches black.

Takeaway Thursday: we continued doing subtraction with the kindergarten. We are still with single digits until they understand it clearly. The pre-k explored more on number counting with double digits, we still have to clear single digit as some of them need help on it.

Special reminder

As we have tried to mention above, our school children are on a project of making their school colorful and also in a making of centers, so we would like to remind parents that we will be using paints other than our special day, which is Wednesday. Thank you.

This week in Pictures.



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