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Pre K and Kindergarten

Dear parents,

This week was short because of the holiday break we have been having. Even though the days are less, we made the best of it!!

We read our interesting books, we count the date, month, and year as always, we write and stick the numbers in our caterpillar’s tall, we dance and sing, we practice writing and sight words.

Our small group sessions…

On Tuesday we continued our science topic, papers. We were very eager to see how our papers turned out and they turn out just fine. we gave our friends a scissors and markers to shape their paper how they like it and to draw or write what they want on it.

Some wants to cut their recycled homemade paper shaped square, some want to do a dress for a princess, and some want to have heart shape. The drawing was also different and colorful. Our friends ask for their papers to be hang in the class and they choose a place. Now it is in our class wall making our room brighter.

Our Art class was focused on ‘experiment’ too. We experimented on dish washer soap and different bright shades of color paints to do an acrylic paint pouring. We mixed up the paints with the soap and we pour it on a canvas. We enjoyed the colorful bubble it has!! We all enjoy the experiment and how the final piece of art turned out!

Wednesday was social science and we discussed about community helpers. We printed and posted pictures of doctors, trash collectors, firefighters and ambulance drivers on the board and ask the children if they recognize any of the pictures.

After they told us who they are we ask them what common things they see in the four pictures posted. Our friends told us so much more than we expected. Some say they all were uniforms; some say they all are working; some say that they all are smiling and finally our friends said that all the people in the picture help other people in need. We talked how important they are for us, and we tried to see if we can call other community helpers in our area. We counted many! Our friends told us they have securities who help them be secure at home and we are very proud of our children for the whole discussion we had!!

Friday was water fun!! Our friends ask if we could have a water fun on Friday and we said, why not!! we gave them a bike to wash for some minutes and we start our water fun. We enjoyed seeing the priceless smile in our children’s face!!

Our weekly plan

Monday – Literacy

Tuesday – Science

Wednesday – Social science

Thursday – Math

Friday – Cooperative game and activities

Our specials

Tuesday – Art

Friday – Library

Quick reminder

  • Please send your children with sunscreen and hat.

  • Please remember to send the library folders on Friday.



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