Pre K and Kindergarten
Dear parents,
It has been a joyful week as always. We hope you have enjoyed your week too. Once again, we would like to extend our gratitude for coming to our annual art auction. We are very proud of our LE family to be able help children in need.
In our large group session, we did our calendar, wrote numbers on our caterpillar’s tail, we danced and sang , we read books and we did our sight words. We are practicing writing too, everyday!
Monday was literacy and we worked on vocabulary in a matching activity. We printed a worksheet that has names and pictures of animals and materials. Then we gave scissor and paper glue for our children to cut the pictures and stick it in the proper space provided beside the name. It was an enjoyable activity!!
Science was on Tuesday. We continued our discussion about our inside body. ‘Heart’ was the topic of this week. We talked about what it does for us, where it is found, why it has a beat and so much more. We showed them what a real heart looks like in our inside. We also let our friends listen the heartbeat of their friends. it was productive and an enjoyable moment!
Wednesday was social studies, we discussed what makes our children happy in their classroom. Since it is almost the end of the school year, we wanted to do a fun and exciting activities with our children and wanted to know what they want to do. We related the question with our previous social study topic “feelings”. We asked what activity makes them feel happy and what excites them and they said experimenting is what excite them all. We are happy to know that!!
Thursday was math time, and we had a fun time with our children playing with geometric shapes building set. We gave our children to use the shapes and to be creative and to come up with anything they want. They were discussing and naming the shapes while sharing the materials. Some of them made flower and some of them build a house. They were cooperating and having fun with the activity.
Friday was fun with balancing game. We took our friends out in the grass area to play a game in pairs. The game was to be able to balance a small ball on paper, walk some distance and to put the ball on a tab found in the finishing line. Our friends were excited to try it and they really did excellent!!
Our weekly plan
Monday – Literacy
Tuesday – Science
Wednesday – Social science
Thursday – Math
Friday – Cooperative game and activities
Our specials
Tuesday – Art
Friday – Library
Quick reminder
- Today was the last day of checking out books, Please Don’t forget to send the library folders and books on Friday.
- We want to inform you that we have extended our Parent – Teacher conference.
- We would like to ask you to send a flash drive starting from Monday, to receive photos, portfolios and favorite songs of the year will be.
