Pre-K and Kindergarten
Greeting parents,
What is your plan this October? Well our plan is to celebrate Halloween (Costume party). The idea came to us when we changed our calendar to October and saw a pumpkin on it. It was so sweet to see how they open a conversation of sharing their extra costume to whoever wants any.
Our large group this week
· Our caterpillar is helping most of our group on counting and identifying double-digit numbers.
· We are still continuing our exploration with zoo-phonics and it is great to see how it is helping our group in identifying the letters.
· The books we have explored with this week included books about sharing, taking turns, and saying please, thank you and No thank you.
· This week we introduced them to what sight words are and explored with four sight words, which we explored the whole week. The words are, ‘can, and, I, to’
Our small group this week
o Blending letters: after exploring with our board message about sound of letters, the Pre-k helped us to sound all the letters that ended with ‘at’ and the kindergartens tried to blend them to read. Our main exploration was with 3D letters to make words with the help of the teachers. The teachers will sound out the letters and they will identify them and put them together (Blend) to read or sound them out.
Worksheets: We send some worksheets to explore with sounds of letters and blending words. Please help your child as usual and send it back on Monday.
o Gardening: children notice when they see something new around them and ask question about it. The idea of garden becomes our interest when our group asked why we have a gardening place. This week we sat in our classroom to make a plan on different seeds they want to plant in our garden, we then proceed to clear out the gardening area by picking the weeds and rocks.
o Concept of vertices: last week, we open a new topic about shapes and their components. This week we still continuing to explore about shapes and its other component, which is a vertex. We talked about what it is and where we can find it in a shape. We then explore with different 2D shapes, their names, counted the sides and the vertices.
Worksheets: we send out worksheets about shapes and their component, please help your child to explore with different shapes they have at home.
o Where are you from: this week we come up with a game called, “Where is your friend from?” everyone had to guess where their other friend is from and we gave them a clue by sounding out the first letter of the country, it was such fun way of teaching our group about geography!
o Relay Race: our cooperative game this week was Relay; we created our own Olympics here at LE. We divided our groups into blue team and green team. There was a lot of cheering and encouragement to each other. We are happy to see them understand that it’s ok for them to loss in a game and cheer for the winners.
o Since the rainy season is still not over, please send your child with raincoat and boots.
o Some of our activities will include paints and water so please send your child with extra cloth, including underwear.
o We will start Art with paint soon; in our special day program, which is Tuesday, therefore it is advisable to send your child with an old cloth.
