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Pre K and Kindergarten

Dear parents, thank you so much for coming to our family day on Saturday. We are very happy to see you! We hope everything is well at your end. Last week we had an amazing time with our friends and we hope yours was amazing too!

Oh, we learn a saying “tissue for the issue” from one of our dear friend Finnegan. She told us her mommy say that and we love it. It is not “use tissue” anymore, it is “tissue for the issue”.

In our large group…

Reading: as always, reading was part of our large group activity and we read lots of interesting books this week. “Jingle all the way” and “bear snores on” was their favorite for this week.

Calendar: at the end of the week, it was must to say “good bye” to March and say “hello!” to April. As we always do, we counted the days, month, and the year.

Caterpillar: our caterpillar say “we had 136 beautiful days with our dear friends and it likes to grow a tail every day”.

Sight words: We changed our sight word this week to “cat, box, way and girl”. We are very amazed how fast they got the sight words of this week. There is no reason to keep the sight words for next week so we will have new sight words for next week.

In our small group

As Monday was literacy, we thought it would be good to construct the sight words we have been learning using alphabet. We stick the magnet alphabet to the board and gave them sight word cards. They were very happy to construct meaningful sight words out of the alphabets. Finally, everyone wrote their name and they were very happy about it.

Tuesday was science and since we had finished the topic ‘sense organ’, we thought to give them a break. Instead, we talked about the journals they have been doing so far and what their favorite journal is. They were expressive and passionate to explain what they did on their journals and the story behind it.

In our art session we did a craft on their pencil. We cut colored hard papers in to circles and made a face out of it. Everyone was very happy to work on their pencil. Now everyone use self-customized pencil.

Wednesday was our social science class and we continued our topic transportation. We did an activity where we cut different transportation type pictures from a paper and stick it to where it belongs/ which transportation mode it use/. There were three categories which are water, air and land. Our friends match the modes of transport with the types of transport and they were fast and happy to do it. We are very proud of that.

Thursday was our math time and we did ascending and descending numbers. The concept is related to before and after but a little bit advanced. Since it is a little bit advanced concept we only use numbers 1-10. Our friends were very fast to do the ascending and we are going to work on descending in the coming few weeks until they totality understood the concept.

Friday was game time. We want our friends to learn something fun and a healthy activity which was jumping rope. Our friends were happy to try it. It was an enjoyable moment watching our friends try to jump. It was a real fun time!!


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