Pre-k and Kindergarten fun week!
Greeting Parents,
Pirate life can be very dangerous but if you are a wise pirate like Pre-k and Kindergarten then life will be easy! This week our groups were very interested in finding treasure, they designed their treasure map and tried to find gold and superhero costumes around the school. Hope you all had a treasured week!
Large group this week
Our large group is going strong with different activities we explored with, our caterpillar is going longer and longer every day, the sound of letters is becoming like a song, our favorite song “The floor is lava” has become our daily song and more. We would like to thank parents for keep bringing the book to share, the children are learning a lot from each book and also happy to share with their friends.
Small group this week
The storytellers: one of the learning areas where children express themselves is through the Journal. Our groups enjoy drawing; they would ask their teachers to have paper and markers during recess to make drawing for their parents and friends. This week after listening to Elsa’s story about “Jack and John” and how they grow strong and healthy after they eat vegetables and fruits, and also how they were very good listeners to their parents, all of them had the chance to make their own story. Some of them were inspired by Elsa’s story! Here are some of the stories:
Nati: “This is all my family and we are going to ‘Sheresher’!” ( Vacation in Amharic)
Yanet: “This is my A plus (showing a figure) when I was a baby, her name is Miraf!”
Victor: “This is a girl and a boy eating with their mom and their dad, they eat a lot of Vitamins and the germs run away!”
Yamalk: “This is a bus and and there is a toy, I measured the toy and its 11, and the bus is 72 centimeters!”
Finnegan: draw a ball and a figure next to it and she said, “Someone throw a ball through me!”
The Human train: the cooperative game is our groups’ favorite activity. It is another activity where children learn different skills other than physical growth. This week the children made a ‘Human train’ by sitting on the grass and hold each other’s shoulders (the picture will make it clear!). The focus of the game is for them to listen to instructions and how they can work together so the ‘train’ will not break. The rules were simple, they do not let go of their friends' shoulders but need to move, backward, forwards, lean sideways and freeze.
Goodbye Vitamins and Proteins: this week we revised all the sessions we explored about Vitamins and Proteins. The lesson becomes a discussion where everyone talked about what they remember about the topic. But it will not be our final activity about vitamins and proteins; we will cover other related topics during large group.
Operations: a week before the Pre-k started addition and this week, we continue the lesson about addition with them. Children need to learn academic areas in a fun way so they can easily understand the concept. This week the Pre-k used building blocks to add numbers, we helped them write the questions on the board, but they did all the counting and answered by themselves.
The Kg’s also explored operations, subtraction, they used their small book to write the questions and answers which we randomly asked them. The kgs have become more confident to do subtraction without any materials but their fingers!
Assignment for both parents: Please work on both operations (subtraction for Kg and Addition for Pre-k) and send us what they did through Whatsapp. Thank you.
Pictures this week.