Pre-K Blog
Dear Parents
We had a great and exciting week with our children. It was filled with fun and a lot of educational moments. We also hope you had a great week as well!
Large group
For this week, we started our large group by having a discussion about their morning and if there was anything new that the children wanted to share. Most of our children participated and told us how they spent their morning and what they had for breakfast. After that, we did our circle time center and sang different songs. We also read our message board and fed our caterpillar, which marks 73 days! The kids enjoyed every moment we had!
Small group
Zoo-phonics helps children identify and use different sounds to make words. Our kids participated in the activity and made various words using the sounds of Zoo Phonics. For instance, Milly said, "W for water!" And Vilfred said, "E for my nanny 'Etabez!" It was such a wonderful time!
This week’s session continued from the topic we learned last week about measurement. This time we were asking our children what they wanted to measure. During our activity, Oliver said “I want to measure my mouth.” All the kids had a good laugh thinking about it. They were interested and measured their other body parts as well. Afterwards we did a worksheet that had cubes based on a height of an object and the kids would count and write the exact number. They were all focused and enjoyed doing the exercise.
For this session we played a game to warm up before our gymnastics exercise. The game involved having different plastic plates on the mat, the children run around and when the teacher says stop, the kids must find the plates and stay on it. Since the number of plates will get smaller and smaller, the kids were so excited to be the last one, which is the winner. After we played the game, we did some stretching and did some exercise with a gymnastics ball.
For this session, our children traced around shapes of heart and an animal. Then they painted it using colors such as blue, yellow and red. Our kids enjoyed mixing colors yellow and red to make orange. They were also showing one another how to get the color they want. Our children were happy and engaged through out the activity.
Our activities for next week will be:
Monday – Cooperative game
Tuesday – Literacy
Wednesday -Math
Thursday- Library
Friday - Science
Our specials
Wednesday -Gymnastic
Thursday - Library
Friday - Art
As it's sunny season, please send the children with sunscreen and a hat.
Every Thursdays is our Library day, please make sure to return the library folder.
Every Fridays, we have Art so please send your children with art appropriate clothing.
Have a wonderful week!