Pre-K Blog!!
Dear Parents,
We had a fun and great week with our children. We hope you had a great week too! We wish a safe journey for everyone traveling for Christmas.
Large group
We sang morning songs, we did our circle time, and counted the caterpillar. For our circle time, we focused on the letter ‘V’, the colour orange and oval as the shape of the week. We also did our message board and this time we started a new topic which focused on ending sounds. As usual our kids were involved and enjoyed the activities.
Small group
For maths we did worksheets about measurement, where our kids measured the length of an object by counting cubes. We had different pictures of flowers as an object to measure and they also coloured the pictures. Everyone did a great job and enjoyed the activity.
For this week’s science we focused on plants and the differences between flowers and trees. Our children were active and participated to give their ideas and were able to tell the different parts of flower. Afterwards they coloured the tree with crayons. During our activity, Oliver decided to use the color black to color his tree and when we asked him why he used that color, he said “because the tree fell down!” It’s wonderful to see our kids get observant and creative.
Our special – Art
Our Art session was fun and Christmassy! We had Christmas tree drawing and they painted the body and the star and they used glitter to make it shiny. They were all excited and wanted to make the Christmas tree for their family.
Our activities for next week will be:
Monday – Cooperative game
Tuesday – Literacy (Zoo phonics)
Wednesday -Math
Thursday- Library
Friday - Science
Our Specials
Tuesday – Ethiopian center
Wednesday- Gymnastic
Thursday - Library
Friday- Art
As it gets sunny, please send the children with a hat and sunscreen.
Every Thursday is our Library Day; please make sure to return the library folder.
Every Friday, we have Art so please send your children with art appropriate clothing.
Have a wonderful weekend!