Pre K Fun This Week
Dear parents,
We hope this blog finds you well! It has been yet another wonderful week with the Pre-K Class. This week, the children got to try out a combination of activities they don’t normally do, sang some fun songs during circle time, reminisced on good times throughout the year during their journal session and so much more. We had a wonderful time on last Saturday at the art auction, which is one of our most beloved LE traditions. On behalf of the whole team, we want to sincerely thank each of you who attended for coming and sharing that beautiful night with us.
Large Group
It was yet another successful week in the large group sessions! We are particularly excited about how well the class discussions have been developing. Before we proceed with our daily routine, we ask the class if they would like to share anything about their morning or the previous night. At first, the children were a bit hesitant to share. However, now our morning discussions have blossomed into a whole new dimension. The students not only share about the activities they did the previous night or morning but also incorporate many interesting topics into their discussions. These topics range from healthy habits, how to be a good friend or family member, their travels around the world and so much more. We love how these discussions help us to get to know different sides of the children and look forward to our circle time every day for this reason and more! As usual, our daily helpers are active and show such great examples of initiative and caring for others.
Music and Movement/Cooperative Game
This week, the kids did something super exciting that we haven’t done before! Instead of doing music and movement or cooperative games, we did both in the same session!
We started by playing a lively rendition of “duck duck goose”, which has become one of the student’s favorite games during recess. We played a few rounds, making sure that each student got a chance to be the goose and run around the circle, and the class even got the teachers involved at one point! It was a spirited, fun time as the children let loose and had lots of laughs.
Then, we switched gears to music and movement. We started once again with “Hello from your head to your toes”, and a sitting down song of the class’s choice (they went with “Down By the Bay”) and then went through some classics such as “The Freeze Dance” (both versions), “Elephants Have Wrinkles”, “I Like To Move It”, and many more. The class was so excited to be able to do both fun activities in the same session and did a fantastic job switching their focus to the next thing when it was time to transition.
This week in literacy, the kids got a chance to walk down memory lane during their journal session! For the prompt, we asked the children to think about all the different things we did in school this year, and to choose their favorite! We also let them know that because we had such a wide range of things, it would be understandable if it was hard to narrow down to just one favorite so if they felt that way, they were given the chance to put two favorites. We had a brief class discussion, and it was so nice reminiscing about the good times together. Then, they got to work on their papers. They were very focused and engaged and chose such creative color schemes and compositions for their entries!
The class also had a great time during our weekly library session. They have become so much more comfortable reading on their own and with their classmates, and always have interesting opinions to share about the stories they come across.
This week in math, the kids had a fun and fruitful time reviewing concepts that we had previously covered as a class. Typically, we do reviews with either classroom materials or worksheets. However, this time we did yet another exciting hybrid- worksheets with materials as a visual aid. First, we introduced the activity to the class. Then, we took one question from each worksheet and went through it step by step, using the classroom counting materials to provide a concrete representation of what is on the paper. Then, the class got a chance to work individually on their worksheets. They were very focused and engaged throughout, and we’re especially proud of how willing they were to ask clarifying questions when something wasn’t clear.
Our activities for next week will be:
Monday- Music and Movement
Tuesday- Literacy (zoophonics)
Wednesday- Math
Thursday- Innovation Center
Friday- Science
Our Specials
Tuesday- Ethiopian Center
Wednesday- Gymnastic
Thursday- Library
Friday- Art
● We will be introducing “water fun” as an activity center for the children to help them stay cool in the sun! Please make sure to send your child with a change of clothing so they can enjoy this activity thoroughly.
● Please don’t forget to send your child with a hat and sunscreen as it gets sunny after snack! The weather has been fluctuating lately, so if it is rainy please also send them with rain appropriate clothing.
● We are still collecting recycled material for our innovation center, so if you can spare any, we would greatly appreciate it!
● On Thursdays, please return their Library Folder.
● On Art days, please make sure to send your child with art-appropriate clothing!
Have a wonderful weekend!