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Pre K's Exciting Week in Review!

Dear parents,

We are so glad to share highlights from a very exciting week in Pre K! On Tuesday, the kids got a chance to play a football match with students at ICS. The kids did an incredible job staying calm and focused even despite the change in environment, and they were such kind, considerate teammates to each other! We are also excited to share that the LE team won a match 6-2! Most importantly though, everyone had a fun and fruitful time. Other than that, the kids had an energetic gymnastics session, continued their project in art, got busy with patterns in math and so much more!


Large Group

Pre K had a wonderful time in large group this week. We had our usual circle time, board, and counting the caterpillar, which all went very smoothly thanks to our wonderful daily helpers. Furthermore, we had some exciting discussions about how family day was, which lead them to sharing about love, family, and camaraderie. We also got a chance to chat about sportsmanship building up to our football match and had a wonderful debriefing session afterwards during large group! The kids are so observant and share wonderful insights every day.

Music and Movement

This week due to rainy weather, we rescheduled our usual cooperative game session for next Monday and did music and movement instead! The kids always love to get a chance to feel the rhythm, create new dance moves, remember the previous steps of dances they’ve learned before, and of course having a blast with all their friends! In our session this week, the kids warmed up with the “Hello from your Head to your Toes song”, which they have pretty much memorized already! Then, we had various energetic movement songs like “The Floor is Lava”, the “Move song”, and many more! It was a lively time, and the kids enjoyed themselves a lot.



In literacy this week, the kids got a chance to further develop their understanding of beginning and ending sounds with some fun worksheets, made some fabulous journal entries! In the first literacy session, the class got a chance to see their Zoophonics friends on several different worksheets. Similarly, to the last time we did zoophonics worksheets, each of the letters that they were given spells out a short word. After the kids were done with their worksheets, we looked at the letters together as a class and talked about what words this combination could make. Once the word was identified, we talked about the beginning and ending sounds of that word. Their ability to recall words and identify sounds is improving by the day! During literacy this week, the kids also got a chance to read some fun books together as a class and some individually. We love to see how their personalities shine through on the choices of books that they go for.



The kids had a fun and action packed gymnastics session this week! To begin with, we set dots up all around the room in a big circle with a small gap between each dot. To warm up, the kids ran around the circle, being sure to try and land on a dot instead of the mat! Then, they jumped from dot to dot. Later on in the session, the Pre K class got a chance on the balance beam, which was a big hit! First, we had the kids simply walk across the beam and keep their balance. They excelled at this, so it was time for the next adventure. We gave each kid two dots, one to hold in each hand for them to balance while walking on the beam. This was challenging, but the kids did an amazing job at it. We are so proud of them and eagerly look forward to our next gymnastics session! 



This week in math, the kids consolidated their various discoveries about patterns and did an excellent job demonstrating their knowledge! In previous weeks, the main method through which the kids were learning about patterns was with various tactile classroom materials. This week, we let the kids have a chance to show us what they learned with time to individually work on some “complete the pattern” worksheets. The worksheets not only asked the kids to predict what will be the next shape in the pattern, but also to color in the shapes and make a color pattern. We are so proud of their work!



This week in science, we had a varied schedule! In our first science session, the kids wrapped up their theoretical work about habitats. We will continue working on our habitat center project with crafts and so on but are going to start a new topic for discussion next week. In order to conclude and gauge how much information the kids retained about habitats, we had them do a few worksheets. We were absolutely blown away by how much knowledge they have on the topic and can’t wait to see it come to life with our project! In the following session, we did some habitat related crafts, which came out so nicely!



Art this week was a flurry of creativity and productivity! In previous sessions, the kids have been working on a mosaic project made of recycled CDs/DVDs. Up until this point, they had painted a vibrant orange base as a group and started gluing on some whole and some partial CDs to the canvas. This week, they finished covering the canvas with CDs and put some final touches to their liking. We love that this is such a beautifully inventive piece of art!


Our activities for next week will be:

Monday- Cooperative Game

Tuesday- Literacy (zoophonics)

Wednesday- Math

Thursday- Innovation Center

Friday- Science


Our Specials

Tuesday- Ethiopian Center

Wednesday- Gymnastic

Thursday- Library

Friday- Art




●       Please don’t forget to send your child with a hat and sunscreen as it gets sunny after snack! The weather has been fluctuating lately, so if it is rainy, please also send them with rain appropriate clothing.

●       We are still collecting recycled material for our innovation center, so if you can spare any, we would greatly appreciate it!

●       On Thursdays, please return their Library Folder.

●       On Art days, please make sure to send your child with art appropriate clothing!


Have a wonderful weekend!



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