Pre K This Week!
Dear Parents,
It has been another lovely week with our children. We made a lot of progress on planning some new projects, did lots of engaging activities and had a lot of fun along the way!
Large group
Our large group was fun and engaging. We sang songs, danced to music and the kids shared about their day. We did our message board where we focused on beginning and ending sound, counting, and writing numbers on the board. These activities help children to prepare them for reading, recognize numbers and write on their own by also encouraging children to write using a tripod grasp. We also did our usual circle time centre and counted our Caterpillar. We will soon be marking our 100th day of school. We are proud to see how our kids learned and progressed throughout these 100 days.
Cooperative game
As last time, our cooperative game focused on numbers, counting and number recognition. They ran in zig zags and collected connecting clips according to the number they see. We have noticed how our children improved with number recognition since they played on our last session. They had fun racing and were focused to get the counting and numbers right.
For our maths session, we introduced the concept of addition by using materials we have in the classroom. They did the activity in pairs and used colourful clips to show how two different colours of objects in a set can be joined and added. They were all enthusiastic and enjoyed the activity.
This week in science we continued to work on the gardening topic. Kids took a blue coloured paper to start off with. In addition to this, we had purple and pink papers with flowers traced out, white paper with clouds, yellow paper with suns, green paper cut into the shape of grass, as well as brown paper with tree trunks traced, and additional green paper with the leaves of the trees traced. The children then took scissors and cut out whichever symbols they liked to customise their own garden. The gardens turned out great, and it seemed like the kids loved making them!
For our art session, we continued to work on the ideas that they drew on small papers last week. This week, we first had a group discussion refreshing themselves on the ideas they had previously come up with. Then, we took 3 large papers for groups of 3 each and had them discuss what they wanted to paint on these big papers. We encouraged them to try to connect these ideas to the ones from the previous week, but also let them go in new directions if they felt inclined to. In the end, we had 3 beautiful collaborative paintings with a variety of topics including airplanes, football, fruits, flowers, portraits and more.
Our activities for next week will be:
Monday- Music and Movement
Tuesday- Literacy (zoophonics)
Wednesday- Math
Thursday- Library
Friday- Science
Our Specials
Tuesday- Ethiopian Center
Wednesday- Gymnastic
Thursday- Library
Friday- Art
Please don’t forget to send your child with a hat and sunscreen as it gets sunny after snack!
On Thursday, please return Library Folder.
On Art days, please make sure to send your child with an art appropriate clothing!
Have a wonderful weekend!