Prek and Kindergarten!
Greeting Parents!
“Time flies” this saying is true! We realized that we will be marking our 100th days of School on Tuesday February 1st. Our little friends are super excited to celebrate their 100th days of coming to school and busy coming up with ideas on how to make it fun and interesting day.
One of our class friends said, “I already have something in mind, but I will think about it on Saturday and Sunday and have a better one”. So far, we have planned Art themed session, healthy snack (Fruits) to share with all together as a school and of course their favorite event of the day 'Water Fun'.
The to-do list for Tuesday is still going, we will keep you updated! Besides the excitement of celebrating 100th days the kids were so happy to have their old friend back (Finnegan), as Yanet was saying “yeyy am super duper happy that Finnegan is back we are going to do a lot of things”. And we can tell Finnegan is happy to see her old friends back as she was smiling, playing, and having a good time with them as well as with the teachers. Speaking of friends our class welcomed two kids this week(Abem and Eliana), and they will be staying with us for a short time. The whole class really were an excellent friend by showing them around and guiding them through the day! We like to officially welcome our new friends!
What we did this this week:
Our large group time activities there was a:
Calendar: we counted the date, month, and the year. We also counted what day it was. And as they realize it will be the end of January the kids are ready to say bye to January and welcome a new month.
Our Hungry Caterpillar: the kids have been counting days starting from the day class or school started and reached up to 98 days. So, our little friends are busy on planning on how to celebrate it as they were saying one bye one during our large group time:
Yanet “How about we draw or write on a paper something, write our name on it and then put 100 on it”.
Finnegan “How about we buy one hundred balloons and fill little water in them and splash it”.
Eliab “Let’s do balloon fun!”
Frankie “100 days? That’s too much!”
Music and movement: as usual we let our little friends choose music and danced around!!as teachers we are proud to say that our class have some cool moves!! Every day was very fun.
Sight words: We did our weekly sight words. Our sight words of the week were “were, is, all, in”. We also created a tune to memorize our sight words and made reading it so easy!

During our small group time:
Literacy: our class drew beautiful drawings on their journals. Here is what they shared with their classmates and teachers!
Yanet: “I drew my family by the grass”
Eliab: “I drew a big rocket and rainbow”
Finnegan: “I drew a rainbow. I am behind it; you can’t see me because the rainbow is covering me”
Frankie: “I drew a car and a sun, and that one is my house with the stairs”

Science: during first semester our last science topic was gardening, and we wanted to relate the previous topic with the current one. Based on that we watched a short video of how when you plant a seed, and it starts to sprout some of the vegetable seeds can grow inside the soli or on the leaves or branches of the different vegetable plants. Then they gave as an example of seeds that grow inside a soil like carrots and beetroot just like what we planted on our garden.
Math: Even though they are quiet familiar with the concept just as revision we worked on subtraction. It was easy and fun for them. Some find it easy and some hard, but the best part was seeing how great they did help each other solve the math problems. Teamwork Rules!
Social Studies: noticing how the children were in different country with different weather, we thought it would be an excellent idea to talk about the weather and in a way discuss that different countries or continents have different weather. As Finnegan was quick to grab the concept and she said, “You know when I was in Canada it was so cold and snowy that I had to wear my boots, jacket and mittens” and Yanet added “But in here Finnegan, it was sometimes hot and cold but didn’t snow”. It was so nice to see and hear the class talk about their weather experience.

Cooperative Games: Fridays cooperative game was very fun with little obstacle. We also had a visitor today, our friend Nati came to spend the morning session with us! They tried to dribble and pass the ball through three-flower pots that was put in a row and later score a goal. Our main purpose of the game is for them to understand the concept of scoring a goal and to be able to pass and dribble the ball through the flowerpot and watch how they manage. It was such fun time and they were cheering for each other when they friends were scoring by saying “Goaaaal”.

The pre-k and kindergarten team!