PreK and Kindergarten
Dear Parents,
It has been another joyful and fruitful week! We hope yours was great too. We are happy to announce that this coming March is going to be School Beautification Month. The whole month is planned to have everyone engaged, our students, staff, and parents to take part in the project. The plans and schedules of the upcoming project will be updated on our WhatsApp group as each week goes by. The last school beautification celebration will be on our first family day for this year.
And on that note because we wanted to give more time in planning and in having everyone take part, we have decided to postpone the March 26th scheduled family day to April 2nd. Meaning it will give 4-week time for everyone to work on our project. We also would like to ask you if you have ideas on school beautification or have a special talent in drawing, sketching or have a skill in painting and getting creative, please throw your ideas because we are doing it together!
What did we do for large group!!
Reading time: as always, the first thing we like to do is take time and read books in circles. We love to spend time with the books and explore with the illustrations. It gives us a great chance to see the emotional and social development of our children while they read with friends.
Calendar: we did our calendar everyday as always. We counted the month, date, day, and year.
Caterpillar: our hungry caterpillar is growing fast, and the change is visible every day. It has been very happy and joyful 118 days and still counting…
Music and Movement: one of the fun times we have is music and movement. We witness joy, happiness and physical and motor development enhanced everyday. ‘The Freeze’ song is back by popular demand and is on top of our playlist.
Sight words: as we promised, we changed the sight words and for this week we worked on “to, find, down, get”. We are thinking to keep our sight word for the next week so that we can be so sure we are very familiar with it.
On the first day of the week, we worked on Letter Blending, as it was Literacy on Monday. Since our children are aware of letters and their sound, it is time to push a bit high to word construction. With that idea in mind, we post some very easy words (pan, sad, hen, hot, log, get) on one said of the board and write different letters in the other side of the board. We ask them to circle the letters forming the word and write it back. In doing so we also discussed the meanings of the words and how meaningful words are created with blending letters. It was so fun to write on the board for our friends they even ask to do it again.
In our Tuesday’s Science session, we extend the topic from the last two weeks and did a little experiment with our friends about the Sense Organs. We tested three different types of elements (Salt, Sugar, and Lemon) and ask our friends what they are testing in their mouth. We are very proud of our little friend’s expressiveness and skills to differentiate and explain what they feel inside their mouth.
For our Art Session our friends did an amazing art work with different color paints, paper, and natural materials that we gathered from the art studio and from outside, (leaves, ropes, different type of flowers) The activity was to stamp the materials on a white sheet after floating it to different color paint. Our friends colorful and catchy art works are hanged in our classroom, their work has become another addition to our art corner. In the next coming weeks, we will work on more cooperative art projects based on the themes we are working on.
This week, after making sure that our friends understand the concept of seasons very clear, we say goodbye to seasons of they year and come up with new social study topic which is Emotions. We introduced a new song about Emotions. Looking how fast our friends understood the concept, we get that they are not new to the concept. Our friends were sharing what makes them happy, sad, angry, and excited.
Yanet said she is excited when she goes to ice cream shop, and she get very angry when people say no to her.
Finnegan also said she is sad when people say bad things to her.
Our Thursday Math session was the extension of last week’s topic before and after. This week we remind our friends the concept and did a worksheet. It was very helping for our little friends to refer the numbers from our hungry caterpillar.
As always Friday was fun. We let our friends express themselves in their personal Journal with all new pack of colorful markers we got. Our little friends draw what is inside their head Watching them explaining what they did was enjoyable moment.
Eliab draw lots of flowers with bees and he said his flowers are growing up so fast.
Deborah said she is drawing rainbow in rectangle and we are amazed with her imaginative thinking of rainbows in rectangle.
