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Hello dear parents,

The children had a wonderful week, playing different games with their friends and sharing the toys they had brought from home.

What did we do this week?

We started our large group by doing our attendance, following that we talked about the days of the week and what day it was. After that, we took some time to sing one or two songs depending on the interest of the children. When we finish singing the songs the children had chosen we talk about the letters of the week, this week’s letters were M, N, O, and P.

This week for small group we had Cooperative Games, Literacy, Science, Math, and Library.

For Cooperative Games this week, we played a game called musical chairs. The children had a fun time during our game. We started the activity by sitting on chairs in a circle following that we talked about the rules of the game; the rules were that we have to stand up and run when we hear music and sit down when music stops.

And during our Literacy activity, we had a puppet show. We all had taken turns putting on a show for our friends. When we started one of the caregivers put on a show about a bear and turtle, the show was about their friendship and how they liked to play together and share their toys with each other. After their caregiver had finished one by one the children put on a puppet show for their friends.

What is our plan for next week?

Monday – Cooperative Game

Tuesday – Literacy

Wednesday – Science

Thursday - Library

Friday - Math

Have a nice weekend!

Preschool Team



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