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Preschool in a mission

Friday 12th February 2021

Dear parents,

Our group kept stunning us with great improvements in their communication skills. They have become more communicative and support their explanation either in action or demonstration. Aylin introduced us her dolly saying, " This is Coca. Two eyes. This hair." "Dot dot...."pointing at her doll's dress pattern. More than anything they begun helping each other compassionately.

In our recess time we keep working in the group activities that can make our school compound more colourful.

This week’s large group

Both colour and shape identification have been part of our large group. We have been exploring them through out the week and used all the opportunities they pop up in our sessions. We have been practicing on our pencil grips too.

This week’s small group


Cooperative game: We have started our lesson listening to a song ‘The colour song’. Each time a colour is called out, we pick a musical dot as same colour as the song mentioned. Then followed by the game called musical chair. We all enjoyed it and followed the instruction accordingly.


Literacy: As promised we continued our previous phonics session. First we have used flashcards and 3D shapes to revise letter ‘e’. By the time the flashcard displayed on the board, together swayed our hands up to our face blending the sounds ‘e’ and ‘E’.

In our second activity: we went to the staff office and watched musical story of Ellie Elephant. We were all watching passionately and every time they see the letter, they tried to sound out the letter accurately.


Library: Since the past three weeks, we have been reading constructive stories and are affecting our kids positively. They are becoming more respectful to each other.


Science: As you know, our kids have been interested in collecting the things they have found around their school environment. Exploring our school environment has become an eye opening to keep observing the things that nature embraces. Considering that, we begun our lesson, through reading a book that shows a comparison between living things and nonliving things. From the start, we were so concentrated in exploring the illustrations or pictures. Each time we turn a page, we were so desperate what could be on the next page. We were amazed on each other’s observation and were quite stunned by Aylin’s explanation. She suddenly shouted, “Lava!” pointing at the picture of a burning fire. Eliab also responded, "uuuuu!!!!"

When we turned to the page of some micros, she said, “Scared! I wash wash my hands. uuuuhhhh!” shrinking her body, showing that she is scared of them and replied, “Yes!” nodding her head; after the teacher asked, “Do germs eat food?” on another page of an eagle and an aeroplane, Eliab said, “Bird. Big bird! Aeroplane!” when the teacher asked, “Does a plane eat food?” He giggled, “No!” Aylin also shouted, “No! This eats.” Pointing at the eagle. We kept navigating and Eliab came forward saying, “Frog!” and started lipping as a frog, Aylin followed him too.


Math: This week we worked on counting numbers. Each time we picked a number, we crosspond it with the same amount of objects.

Special day


Remember last time we have painted a portrait of our familytrees. Unfortunately we kept postponding displaying our family members for we couldn’t receive your photos. However we came up with better solution and started crafting our family members using different materials. We have started with mum and dad with the materials of our choices and are planning to continue on the rest of our family members on next week.

In our work time centers we have been painting Ethiopian flag and crafted out coffee cups by papier- mache for our Ethiopian center and an ambulance for the hospital center.

Next week’s schedule

Monday: Cooperative game

Tuesday: Literacy

Wednesday: Library

Thursday: Science

Friday: Math

Special day: Art

Have a nice weekend

Thank you,




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